• Adult Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
  • Runaway & Homeless Youth Toolkit
  • Prevent Intimate Partner Violence
  • Violence Against Women Resource Library
  • Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium
  • Domestic Violence Awareness Project
  • National Resource Center on Domestic Violence


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An Online Resource Library on Gender-Based Violence.

Trauma Informed Approach Content Topic Results

The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
total results: 441  | date published date added a-z


  • General Material
April 2021

Youth Mobile Response Services: An Investment to Decriminalize Mental Health

Author(s): Publisher(s):
This report evaluates the role of law enforcement and mental health systems in the United States and their relationships to racial justice – recognizing that over the past few centuries these systems have caused more harm than good. The report highlights an important alternative to using law enforcement to respond to mental health and social crisis: mobile response.
  • General Material
March 2021

Trauma-Informed Practices in Early Childhood Education

Author(s): Publisher(s):
This article discusses specific approaches to trauma-informed care in early childhood education and related implications for the field.
  • General Material
  • NRCDV Publications
  • Training Tools
March 2021

Holding Space, Creating Safety: A Toolkit for Facilitating Conversations about Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence for Bisexual Peer Support Groups

Author(s): Publisher(s):
This toolkit explores how sexual and intimate partner violence impacts bi+ communities and how support and social group facilitators can address these issues. It offers facilitation tips and guides that lead you through imagining and creating a peer support group.
  • General Material
March 2021

Trust Survivors: Building an Effective and Inclusive Cash Assistance Program

In this report, FreeFrom shares lessons learned from 1,000 survivors who received a Safety Fund grant in 2020 about how to build an effective and inclusive cash assistance program that will work for them. Overwhelmingly, survivors expressed that they need a program steeped in flexibility and trust.
  • General Material
March 2021

Supporting Domestic Violence Survivors’ Safety During the Court Process: A Checklist of Recommended Practices

Going to the courthouse and participating in hearings can be confusing and intimidating for anyone, but domestic violence survivors often face extra barriers. This checklist suggests strategies regarding safety while traveling to/from the courthouse, while inside the courthouse and courtroom, and during virtual hearings.
  • General Material
  • NRCDV Publications
  • Training Tools
February 2021

WEBINAR: Meaningful Partnerships to Support Youth at the Intersections of Homelessness and Gender-Based Violence

Author(s): Publisher(s):
Recognizing and understanding the intersections of youth homelessness/housing insecurity and gender-based violence is critical to creating meaningful services and effective intervention and prevention strategies. This webinar examines the scope and unique characteristics of relationship violence amongst RHY, and explores the why and the how of building and sustaining effective community collaborations to best serve youth at the intersections.
  • General Material
  • NRCDV Publications
February 2021

What are effective, trauma-informed strategies for advocates and providers who are serving runaway and homeless youth and young adults?

Author(s): Publisher(s):
In the February TA Question of the Month, guest writer Arlene Snyder from Bridge Over Troubled Waters discusses housing instability and homelessness among youth and offers strategies for trauma-informed care.
  • General Material
November 2020

Trauma Informed Care With Refugee and Immigrant Youth

Author(s): Publisher(s):
In this lecture, Dr. Margarita Alegria describes the issues immigrants and refugees face as they arrive in the U.S. and seek to integrate into a new country and how professionals can support these individuals. 
  • General Material
November 2020

Human Trafficking Prevention: Strategies for Runaway and Homeless Youth Settings

This issue brief from the Family Youth Services Bureau (FYSB) recognizes the vital role that runaway and homeless youth (RHY) programs can play in the prevention of sex and labor trafficking among runaway and homeless youth. It also highlights the importance of integrating public health, trauma-informed, and positive youth development principles into human trafficking interventions.
  • General Material
  • NRCDV Publications
  • Training Tools
October 2020

WEBINAR: Re-centering: Indiana's Movement to Ground Domestic Violence Programs in Survivor-Defined Success

Author(s): Publisher(s):
In this webinar from the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, presenters from the Indiana Coalition will discuss the processes for working together, data collection strategies, key findings, limitations, and next steps.
  • General Material
October 2020

Committed to Safety for ALL Survivors: Guidance for Domestic Violence Programs on Supporting Survivors Who Use Substances

Author(s): Publisher(s):
Bridging NCDVTMH’s expertise in domestic and sexual violence (DSV) and substance use, Committed to Safety for ALL Survivors assists programs and advocates in supporting survivors who use substances by providing practical strategies embedded within an accessible, culturally responsive, and trauma-informed (ACRTI) approach.
  • General Material
October 2020

Supporting Students with Disabilities in Trauma-Sensitive Schools

Author(s): Publisher(s):
In this resource, the writers discuss how trauma and disability can interact and how schools who want to respond successfully to trauma in kids can, practically, include the reality of disability when shaping practices toward that end.