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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Addressing the Sexual Assault Kit Backlog

General Material
Published Date
October, 2015

The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) assembled at its 122nd Annual Conference and Exposition in Chicago, Illinois and resolved that law enforcement agencies should implement comprehensive training efforts the crime of sexual assault, including its impact on victims, the recidivism of sex offenders, and the importance of DNA evidence to all types of sexual assault prosecutions. They further resolved that law enforcement and criminal justice partners take steps to collaboratively address the backlog and prevent future backlogs by allocating funding. The IACP urges the U.S. Congress to provide funding for law enforcement agencies so they have the resources and personnel to address the backlog. Lastly, the IACP supports law enforcement leaders ensuring the submission of sexual assault kits to a crime lab for DNA testing.

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