Training Tools
The materials displayed here include curricula, online learning modules, recorded webinars and web conferences, videos, podcasts, and other tools that can help to enhance understanding of and capacity to prevent and address gender based violence. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Curricula, online learning modules, recorded webinars and web conferences, videos, podcasts, and other tools. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
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- NRCDV Publications
- Training Tools
March 2025
When the Work Hurts: Managing the Impacts of Moral Injury and Career Sustainability in Mission-Driven Work
Publisher(s):This webinar takes a deep dive into the key concepts of moral distress and moral injury, with a focus on what it is and how it can show up in mission-driven environments. The presenter offers strategies on how to navigate the hard, the ugly, and the painful as well as naming your personal signs that it is time to leave the work.
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March 2025
WEBINAR: Domestic Violence 101: Back to Basics
Publisher(s):This introductory webinar describes the dynamics and common tactics that characterize domestic violence. It also provides an overview of the root causes of domestic violence, as well as the scope and impact on individuals and society. This session will help new advocates, allied professionals, students, and the general public achieve a basic understanding of this complex issue and how they can be part of the solution.
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- Training Tools
August 2024
2024 National Prevention Town Hall
Publisher(s):The 5th annual National Prevention Town Hall features anti-violence prevention approaches in the Mountain region of the United States through a virtual gallery tour of innovative change-making projects and collectives. This gallery tour can allow us to learn about what’s being mobilized beyond the systems we often work in for violence prevention. A panel follows the gallery tour, weaving together meaningful connections and address questions about reconnection, restoration, and re-indigenizing practices in the Mountain region.
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August 2024
WEBINAR: Self-Managed Abortion, Domestic Violence, and the Law
Publisher(s):This training was designed specifically for those who provide direct services to survivors of domestic and sexual violence to address questions at the intersection of self-managed abortion care and your work to support victims and survivors of gender-based violence.
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- Training Tools
August 2024
Celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month 2024 with Despierta!
Publisher(s):In observance of National Hispanic Heritage Month and National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, NRCDV staff Patty Branco and Ivonne Ortiz chat with Juliana Lozano, Founder and Executive Director of Despierta, a culturally specific organization in Charlotte, NC, serving Latina immigrants.
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June 2024
WEBINAR: Spiritual Health Matters: Honoring the Role that Faith and Spirituality Can Play in the Holistic Healing of Survivors
Publisher(s): Research proves that healthy spirituality can have profound impacts on the holistic health and wellbeing of individuals. In this webinar, Dr. Ghia Kelly will explore spiritual health as a protective factor and the ways faith and spirituality can help survivors connect with themselves, strengthen their support systems, and restore their hope.
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- Training Tools
May 2024
Disaster & Emergency Preparedness and Response for the Domestic Violence Field Fact Sheet
Publisher(s):Domestic and sexual violence are critical issues facing communities affected by disasters. At the same time, disasters can also have a distinctly challenging impact on those individuals already traumatized by violence. This fact sheet outlines available data and explores how anti-violence advocates and organizations can best prepare and respond to disaster and emergency situations.
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- Training Tools
March 2024
Heal, Hold & Center Reflection Guide
Publisher(s):For DVAM and beyond, the Domestic Violence Awareness Project calls on us to Heal, Hold & Center survivors, especially those navigating anti-Blackness and other systems of oppression. In this guide, you will find conversation starters, considerations, and prompts for personal and organizational reflection.
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- Training Tools
February 2024
WEBINAR SERIES: Serving Black Women Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
Publisher(s): Black women-identified survivors have been disproportionately harmed by the triple pandemics of COVID-19, intimate partner violence, and racial injustice. As a field, we must boldly design and create innovative approaches to service provision. These webinars will give advocates the tools and practical strategies to identify, reach, and effectively serve this population.
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- Training Tools
February 2024
ACE-DV Speaker’s Toolkit
Publisher(s): This Toolkit offers a variety of practical resources and tools to help build the capacity of adult survivors of children’s exposure to impact change through storytelling. Materials are accessible in a variety of formats to suit the diverse learning styles of this audience.
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- Training Tools
January 2024
WEBINAR: Stalking and Intimate Partner Violence
Publisher(s):Stalking is a prevalent, dangerous, and often misunderstood crime. This webinar explores the dynamics of stalking, focusing on the highly contextual nature of the crime by discussing common tactics used by perpetrators, stalking’s co-occurrence with domestic violence as well as tools to plan for victim safety and hold offenders accountable.
- General Material
- Training Tools
December 2023
A guide for community youth advocates to support Latin@ survivors
Publisher(s): Community advocates are leaders who provide direct and indirect services and care to the health and well-being of people in their community. They assist survivors as they manage through systems that intersect with their overall health. Advocates can take action to significantly improve the health and well-being of Latin@ survivors of IPV navigating health systems with the use of this tool from Esperanza United.