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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

When the Work Hurts: Managing the Impacts of Moral Injury and Career Sustainability in Mission-Driven Work

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NRCDV Publications
Training Tools
Published Date
March, 2025
New Resources Added
March 21, 2025

Have you ever had to carry out an action that felt fundamentally wrong in your work? Have you had to make a hard decision that went against your core values or beliefs? Have you witnessed deep harm happen that made you feel guilt or shame, and yet you were powerless to respond? You have likely experienced a moral injury at work.

In this webinar, the presenters takes a deep dive into the key concepts of moral distress and moral injury, with a focus on what it is and how it can show up in mission-driven environments. Explore how moral distress and injury impact career sustainability and learn strategies on how to navigate the hard, the ugly, and the painful as well as naming your personal signs that it is time to leave the work.

Through attending this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Define and describe the concepts of moral distress and moral injury
  • Explain how moral distress and injury decrease employee wellbeing and career sustainability in mission-driven work
  • Spend at least 20 minutes applying concepts and developing 1-2 personal strategies for managing moral distress and injury at work

About the presenter: Johnanna Ganz, Ph.D., is the founder of J. Ganz Consulting, LLC. Dr. Ganz works towards building sustainability for mission-driven agencies and their people. As a data nerd and bookworm, Dr. Ganz specializes in weaving together research, policy, best/emerging practices, and people’s lived experiences to foster real change for mission-driven people and their agencies.

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