Accessibility Content Topic Results
The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Special Collection
Special Collection
October 2021
Centering the Needs of Male-Identified Survivors of Domestic Violence
“An officer said to me, ‘She must be a really big woman, and stronger than you.’ Society doesn't believe men like me that go through things like these.” – Male Survivor
Special Collection
November 2017
Serving Trans and Non-Binary Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence
Despite the fact that people who identify as trans or non-binary experience violence at alarming rates, there are still significant gaps in services for these survivors of domestic and sexual violence. This collection supports advocates and agencies seeking to provide accessible, sensitive, and relevant services that are inclusive to survivors of all genders.
Special Collection
April 2014
Violence in the Lives of the Deaf or Hard of Hearing
This Special Collection offers information regarding the experiences and needs of individuals who are Deaf or hard of hearing and have experienced abuse. The purpose of this collection is to: 1) increase victim advocates' knowledge and understanding of Deaf culture, 2) provide resources to assist helping professionals in direct service work with Deaf individuals, and 3) highlight best practices for addressing domestic and sexual violence in the Deaf community.
Special Collection
April 2013
Trauma-Informed Domestic Violence Services: Developing Collaborations and Increasing Access (Part 3 of 3)
The third of a 3-part collection, which also includes Understanding the Framework and Approach (PART 1 of 3), and Building Program Capacity (PART 2 of 3), PART 3 provides resources for building collaboration to ensure that survivors and their children have access to culture-, DV- and trauma-informed mental health and substance abuse services.
Special Collection
January 2013
NRCDV Access Initiative: Documenting Our Progress Towards Greater Accessibility
Be the change we wish to see in the world. That is just what the staff of the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV) had in mind when we launched the “Access Initiative” in 2006. The Initiative represented NRCDV’s organizational commitment –as an employer, service provider, and community member—to individuals with disabilities and accessibility in general.
“The Access Initiative not only made me a better TA Provider, but also a better person.” - NRCDV staff member, 2013
- General Material
- NRCDV Publications
March 2024
ARP Series: What is the connection between COVID-19 and domestic violence, and how do these two issues impact transgender and non-binary individuals?
Publisher(s): This Technical Assistance Question of the Month (TAQ) explores the intersecting impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and domestic violence on trans and non-binary individuals and communities, offering strategies to promote inclusive, culturally responsive, and affirming services.
- General Material
March 2024
Telling Our Stories: Ending the Cycle of Shame
Publisher(s): Creating room for stories can unveil the complex web of chains that trap TQLGB survivors in an unending cycle of shame. This resource from Intercambios proposes a shift in perspective to ask: "How might I or my agency be contributing to the narrative of shame?"
- General Material
- NRCDV Publications
- Training Tools
February 2024
WEBINAR SERIES: Serving Black Women Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
Publisher(s): Black women-identified survivors have been disproportionately harmed by the triple pandemics of COVID-19, intimate partner violence, and racial injustice. As a field, we must boldly design and create innovative approaches to service provision. These webinars will give advocates the tools and practical strategies to identify, reach, and effectively serve this population.
- General Material
- NRCDV Publications
February 2024
Serving Black Women Survivors of IPV TAG Series - Part 4: Using a Web of Trauma to Understand Black Women Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
Publisher(s): The purpose of this 4-part Technical Assistance Guidance (TAG) series, Serving Black Women Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence, is to give advocates the tools and practical strategies to identify, reach, and effectively serve Black women-identified survivors of intimate partner violence. The purpose of this 4-part Technical Assistance Guidance (TAG) series, Serving Black Women Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence, is to give advocates the tools and practical strategies to identify, reach, and effectively serve Black women-identified survivors of intimate partner violence. Part 4 offers a “Web of Trauma” to better understand how Black survivors experience intimate partner violence within the context of historical trauma, structural violence, cultural violence, institutional violence, community violence, and family violence.
- General Material
- NRCDV Publications
February 2024
Serving Black Women Survivors of IPV TAG Series - Part 1: Providing Survivor-Centered, Culturally Responsive, Trauma-Informed, Strengths-Based Care
Publisher(s): The purpose of this 4-part Technical Assistance Guidance (TAG) series, Serving Black Women Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence, is to give advocates the tools and practical strategies to identify, reach, and effectively serve Black women-identified survivors of intimate partner violence. Part 1 is a resource offering practical strategies and best practices for creating survivor-centered, culturally responsive, trauma-informed, strengths-based care and advocacy that leads to real-world change.
- General Material
- NRCDV Publications
February 2024
Serving Black Women Survivors of IPV TAG Series - Part 2: Taking an Intersectional Approach
Publisher(s): The purpose of this 4-part Technical Assistance Guidance (TAG) series, Serving Black Women Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence, is to give advocates the tools and practical strategies to identify, reach, and effectively serve Black women-identified survivors of intimate partner violence. Part 2 supports advocates in taking an intersectional approach to providing services to Black survivors.
- General Material
- NRCDV Publications
February 2024
Serving Black Women Survivors of IPV TAG Series - Part 3: Understanding Reproductive Coercion, Non-Fatal Strangulation, and Intimate Partner Homicide
Publisher(s): The purpose of this 4-part Technical Assistance Guidance (TAG) series, Serving Black Women Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence, is to give advocates the tools and practical strategies to identify, reach, and effectively serve Black women-identified survivors of intimate partner violence. Part 3 helps advocates to address reproductive coercion, non-fatal strangulation, and domestic homicide in the lives of Black survivors.