Gender Content Topic Results
The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Special Collection
Special Collection
January 2024
Being a Man: Preventing Domestic and Sexual Violence
This Special Collection provides resources for anti-violence programs to increase their capacity to engage men and boys in their work to end domestic and sexual violence.
Special Collection
January 2022
Identifying and Preventing Gender and Intersectional Bias in Law Enforcement Responses to Domestic and Sexual Violence
This special collection is a product of the COURAGE in Policing Project, jointly supported by the Human Rights Clinic at the University of Miami School of Law, Casa de Esperanza National Latin@ Network, and UN Women.
Special Collection
October 2021
Centering the Needs of Male-Identified Survivors of Domestic Violence
“An officer said to me, ‘She must be a really big woman, and stronger than you.’ Society doesn't believe men like me that go through things like these.” – Male Survivor
- General Material
- NRCDV Publications
- Training Tools
January 2025
WEBINAR: Domestic Violence 101: Back to Basics
Publisher(s):This introductory webinar described the dynamics and common tactics that characterize domestic violence. It will also provided an overview of its root causes, as well as the scope and impact on individuals and society. This session will help new advocates, allied professionals, students, and the general public achieve a basic understanding of this complex issue and how they can be part of the solution.
- General Material
March 2024
Telling Our Stories: Ending the Cycle of Shame
Publisher(s): Creating room for stories can unveil the complex web of chains that trap TQLGB survivors in an unending cycle of shame. This resource from Intercambios proposes a shift in perspective to ask: "How might I or my agency be contributing to the narrative of shame?"
- General Material
February 2024
2022 U.S. Trans Survey
Publisher(s): The 2022 U.S. Trans Survey was expanded to address lessons learned from the 2015 survey, respond to the evolving sociopolitical landscape, and increase knowledge of the lives and experiences of trans people in the United States.
- General Material
October 2023
Examining the Current State of Critical Intersections: Female Genital Mutilation/ Cutting and Social Oppressions
Publisher(s): This report from Sahiyo U.S. explores how different forms of oppression intersect to limit survivors’ access to resources, as well as how the work to end FGM/C is connected to other themes across the human experience.
- General Material
- Training Tools
March 2023
Rubric for Responsiveness to LGBTQ Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence for Domestic Violence Service Providers
Publisher(s): This self-assessment tool serves as a way for domestic violence service providers to evaluate their organizational capacity, policies, and practices to identify areas to improve access to LGBTQ survivors.
- General Material
March 2022
How Managers Can Break the Bias in Performance Reviews
Publisher(s): Numerous studies have confirmed the impact of bias on performance assessments and career advancement for women of all races and ethnicities, and people of color. This article offers helpful strategies for disrupting bias and promoting equity in the performance review process.
- General Material
January 2022
National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey 2016/2017: Report on Stalking
Publisher(s):This report summarizes the lifetime and 12-month experiences of stalking victims in the United States.
- General Material
January 2022
Sex Trafficking of Black Women and Girls
Publisher(s):This fact sheet outlines why we need to shift the narratives around sex trafficking to center Black survivors.
- General Material
January 2022
National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey 2016/2017: Methodology Report
Publisher(s):The survey instrument administered in 2016/2017 represents a change in data collection from previous years (2010–2012 and 2015). This report describes the methodology used for the 2016/2017 data collection and the limitations of the data.