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An Online Resource Library on Gender-Based Violence.

Building Bridges to Stop Violence against Immigrant Women: Effective Strategies & Promising Models for Reaching and Serving Immigrant Women

General Material

"In 2003, regional workshops provided immigrant women the opportunity to share their knowledge with victim service providers, criminal justice personnel and state policy makers. The Center's Upstate Regional Workshop for S.T.O.P VAWA grantees was held on June 19, 2003 in Albany. A Downstate Regional Workshop was held on November 17, 2003 in New York City.

"This report has been developed to share the lessons of these two regional workshops with a wider audience. This report will be useful for educating agency staff who were not able to attend the regional trainings. It can be shared with other local collaborative agencies which need to understand the barriers facing immigrant victims, as well as effective service models and strategies to overcome those barriers. In addition, the lessons learned can be of value to violence against women programs in other states."

Contents Include:

  • Barriers Facing Immigrant Victims of Violence against Women
  • Effective Strategies for Reaching & Serving Immigrant Victims of Violence against Women
  • Promising Models for Reaching & Serving Immigrant Victims of Violence against Women