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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Delivering on the Promise of Equality: UNFPA's Strategic Framework for Gender Mainstreaming and Women's Empowerment 2008-2011

General Material

At a time when the global community is increasingly focused on poverty reduction and broader national development goals, the Framework outlines UNFPA's policy and program priorities for the empowerment of women and girls and for incorporating a gender perspective across its mandate, in the areas of sexual and reproductive health, and population and development.

UNFPA Priorities for Gender Equality Programming include:

  1. Setting Policy for ICPD and the MDGs: Human Rights, Gender Equality and Culture
  2. Reproductive Health: Pillars of the Essential Package
  3. Ending Gender-Based Violence
  4. Adolescents and Youth: Starting Early on the Path to Gender Equality
  5. Emergency and Post-Emergency Situations
  6. Men and Boys: Partners for Equality
  7. Strategic Linkages