The following recommendations are presented in this document:
- Work to assure that staffing patterns adequately reflect the demographics of the population being served.
- Agencies should include a specific description of the bilingual services offered in the organization's brochures and/or website.
- Establish criteria for measuring an agency's level of bilingual services.
- Promote multicultural inclusion within an agency's board of directors.
- Respect diversity within diversity and dialect variance issues within the Latino/a community by incorporating language accessibility and cultural competency into all mandated staff and volunteer training.
- Earmark certain funds for second-language materials, bilingual staff, interpreters, etc.
- All program staff, substitutes, and volunteers (not just Spanish-speaking staff and volunteers) should receive training in victim's language rights and in how to advocate for those rights.
- All program staff, substitutes, and volunteers should be trained in how to work with an interpreter.