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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Finding Safety and Support

General Material
NRCDV Publications
Published Date
June, 2014
New Resources Added
September 28, 2023

Finding Safety and Support is a generic brochure designed to be used or adapted by local programs, state DV/SA coalitions, educators, allied professionals, and the general public to raise awareness of helping resources for victims experiencing domestic violence. The brochure is designed to be given to victims or survivors and is written in gender-neutral language.

Sections of the brochure include: "It Can Happen to Anyone"; "It's Not Your Fault"; "Help is Available"; and "Safety Planning is Key". It includes a definition of domestic violence along with a "Does your partner ever..." series of questions to help someone think about whether his/her intimate partner is being abusive. The section, "For assistance" provides the National Domestic Violence Hotline and National Dating Abuse Helpline information, and leaves a blank information box for a service provider to place its contact information.

The brochure is part of a "Domestic Violence...Putting the Pieces Together" series developed by the Capacity Building and Education Team of the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence.

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