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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Freedom Lost

General Material

Mark Lattimer explores the erosion of women's rights and security in Iraq since 2003. He asserts that now, 'In much of the country, women can only move around with a male escort. Rape is committed habitually by all the main armed groups, including those linked to the government. Women are being murdered throughout Iraq in unprecedented numbers.' (2) One increase in violence against Iraqi women is occurring in Kurdistan, where there's an alarming increase in so-called honor crimes ranging from burnings to murders. According to some of the Iraqi women activists Lattimer interviews, they attribute these forms of violence against Iraqi women to cultural beliefs and practices, religious insurgency and extremism, humiliation tactic to get to break down and threaten communities, and revenge. Unfortunately, all these are compounded by a general lack of security in Iraq making the situation increasingly dangerous for women.