• Adult Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

The Needs of Children in Domestic Violence Shelters

Training Tools
General Material
Published Date
January, 2010

This toolkit for service providers is a teaching tool and guide for understanding how trauma from domestic violence impacts children and how best to serve these children's needs. Although it was designed for use by shelter-based and other domestic violence direct service providers in North Carolina, it has broad applicability.

"In Chapter I, service providers in shelters and other domestic violence agencies working with children will learn about the mental health and behavioral impact of domestic violence on children, with some guidance on how to approach children and their caregivers about the children’s mental health needs. Chapter II provides specific assessment tools to help providers make appropriate identifications of mental health service needs. Chapter III describes ways to teach positive parenting skills to adult and teen parent residents in shelter. Chapter IV addresses the potential mental health needs of parents and the impact of domestic violence on parenting. Chapter V provides information on a number of additional community resources for children, including child care services, and children’s health insurance. Chapter VI addresses legal concerns and referral sources for service providers working with children in families experiencing domestic violence. Finally, the Appendices include additional resources, research references relied upon in this toolkit, and a useful Self-Assessment Checklist for Community Referrals.”