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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

A Place to Start: A Resource Kit for Preventing Sexual Violence

General Material
Training Tools
Published Date
January, 1999

The Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services and the Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault, along with a workgroup of various MN sexual violence prevention organizations, agencies and individuals were responsible for planning, providing information, and reviewing the Kit. After a brief Introduction and some Acknowledgements, the Kit provides the following sections:

The "1. Sexual Violence Basics" section defines sexual violence, its victims and perpetrators, the scope and cost, possible reasons that sexual violence occurs, laws regarding sexual violence, and includes a glossary of sexual violence terms and references.

The "2. Strategies for People Working to Prevent Sexual Violence" provides introductions to Sexual Prevention issues for Communities (covering Arts; Cultural and Ethnic; Faith and Spiritual; Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered; and Refugee and Immigrant), Service Providers (covering Health Care, Helping Professionals, Mental Health, Public Health, and Victim Services), Criminal Justice System (covering Law Enforcement, Prosecution, Defense, Court System, Probation), Social Influence (covering Elected Officials, Funding Sources, Neighborhood and Community Groups, News and Entertainment Media, and Workplaces), Populations (covering Men, Women, People with Disabilities, Older Adults, Young People), and Youth Development (covering Child Care, Parenting, Schools, Sports and Clubs, and Universities and Colleges). Contacts are provided in all of the above categories. Resources include curricula, videos, a reading list, journal articles, and websites.

  • Sexual Violence Prevention Summary: This provides a brief definition and scope for the problem of sexual violence in Minnesota including prevalence and costs of housing sex offender inmates. It highlights protective and risk factors for sexual violence, and provides sample prevention ideas for various communities, population groups, and service providers; sample prevention steps that are socially influencial or promote healthy youth development are included.
  • Book 1: Information and Strategies for the Prevention of Sexual Violence. This is divided into four sections: 1. "Sexual Violence Basics", 2. "Strategies for People Working to Prevent Sexual Violence", 3. "Contacts", and 4. "Resources".
  • Book 2: Tools for the Prevention of Sexual Violence. This includes: 27 general prevention tools (covering individuals and families, communities, evaluation, and tools about sexual violence); 17 communities tools; 12 criminal justice tools; 19 populations tools; 13 service providers tools; 20 social influence tools; and 23 youth development tools. A majority of these tools are available online in electronic format; those available only in print form can be directly photocopied or ordered at low or no cost from the Minnesota Department of Health.
    A majority of the Kit is available to view or download in either web page (html) and clean print layout (Adobe.pdf) file formats. A full paper version of the two volume kit can be ordered for a cost from the Minnesota Department of Health.