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An Online Resource Library on Gender-Based Violence.

The State of the World Population 2005: The Promise of Equality

General Material

The Magnitude and Many Forms of Gender-Based Violence; Violence Against Women and the MDGs; Mobilizing for ÔZero Tolerance'; and Men Take a Stand. This chapter provides a global picture of violence against women, affirming that "freedom from violence, especially for girls and women" is a core right and essential to the ability to lead a productive life.


  1. Overview
  2. Strategic Investments: The Equality Dividend
  3. The Promise of Human Rights
  4. Reproductive Health: A Measure of Equity
  5. The Unmapped Journey: Adolescents, Poverty and Gender
  6. Partnering with Boys and Men
  7. Gender-Based Violence: A Price Too High
  8. Women and Young People in Humanitarian Crises
  9. Road Map to the Millennium Development Goals and Beyond