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An Online Resource Library on Gender-Based Violence.

Violence in the Lives of Women in Substance Abuse Treatment: Services and Policy Implications

General Material

"The relationship between substance abuse and the abuse of women by their partners is a complex one that needs to be better understood if women's lives are to become both substance and violence-free. It seems self-evident that women suffering with the dual burdens of substance use disorders and histories of abuse present complex challenges to conventional treatment approaches. What is less obvious is how women and their providers can work together effectively to meet and overcome these issues.

"In an attempt to further knowledge in these areas, the Substance Abuse/Domestic Violence Committee of the Greater New Haven Domestic Violence Task Force, supported by the CT Women's Consortium, cooperated in a study to examine the prevalence and impact of domestic violence on women receiving substance abuse treatment in the New Haven area. This paper presents a brief review of the literature relating domestic violence, trauma, and substance abuse treatment; discusses the philosophical barriers between providers of these services; and describes the results of the study. Policy and treatment implications and recommendations are offered."