You simply type in the web address OR cut and paste text into the BabelFish text box.
To try it, go to:
You may want to also try the new BabelFish version at:
The languages presently available to translate to/from are English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.
Automated language translation is highly imperfect and is no substitute for a good human translator that uses appropriate language. The automated translator also works best when translating proper grammar and produces quite humorous (a.k.a. inaccurate) results with idioms, slang, awkward punctuation, odd phrasing, etc. For those who want more details, check out Altavista's translation tips and FAQs on their site.
To use BabelFish on a VAWnet webpage, you can simply copy any text from the webpage and paste it into the altavista text box.