• Adult Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Where we’re going and where we’ve been: Making the case for preventing sexual violence

General Material
Published Date
August, 2018

The way we communicate about sexual violence can make a big difference in how our intended audiences understand the problem and what to do about it. Making the case for prevention demands that we go beyond the scope of the problem and articulate what to do about it — not just after the fact, but also what needs to happen to prevent abuse and assault in the first place. Preventing sexual violence across the lifespan demands collective action from everyone – including, but not limited to, sexual violence prevention experts. Our communication needs to reach beyond our own field of experts and resonate with public audiences. That, in turn, means we need to think differently about language and framing our topic.

Included in the guide are the basics of messaging strategies, the components of an effective message, "rules of the road" for sexual violence prevention messaging, and lots of sample messages to get you started.