Policy & Systems Advocacy Content Topic Results
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Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- Training Tools
- General Material
Bringing NO MORE To Your School
Publisher(s):This one-hour webinar is free and provides information, resources, and tools for students interested in raising awareness and action around ending domestic violence and sexual assault on their campuses or in their local communities.
- General Material
Emergency Preparation and People with Disabilities
Publisher(s):This page provides information on emergency preparedness as it relates to individuals with disabilities. Key areas discussed in the document are 1) preparation, 2) notification and evacuation, 3) sheltering and interim services, and 4) recovery.
- General Material
LGBT-Inclusive Curriculum
Publisher(s): GLSEN's LGBT-Inclusive Curriculum provides lesson plans to integrate LGBT history, themes, and people into the classroom. Lesson plans range from grades K-12 and include themes such as LGBT History Month, Ready Set Respect!, ThinkB4YouSpeak, and more.
- General Material
Interactive Public Benefits Maps
Publisher(s): NIWAP's Interactive Public Benefits Maps break down the types of public benefits available to immigrant survivors and immigrant children, based the victim’s or the child’s immigration status, the type of immigration case the victim may have filed, and the state in which the immigrant resides.
- General Material
Trans/GNC Caring Relationships, Healthy You Card
Publisher(s): The goal of this safety card is to be both a survivor-centered resource and a useful conversation starter for health care providers who are doing universal education around healthy relationships and assessing for violence specifically with transgender, genderqueer, or gender nonconforming people or in LGBTQ health settings.
- General Material
Lessons Learned: A Report on the St. Clair County Family to Family Advocacy for Non Offending Parents Pilot Project
Publisher(s):This document reviews the project, initial barriers, statewide advocacy, and training leading to the implementation of a statewide protocol and best practices guide for domestic violence victim advocates and legal aid attorneys working with the child welfare system within the Team Decision Making (TDM) structure and process.
- General Material
Topic No. 602 Child and Dependent Care Credit
Publisher(s):This page provides basic information about dollar limits, qualifying individuals, and reporting for the Child and Dependent Care Credit.
- General Material
Why include people of all genders in shelters?
Publisher(s): Providing gender-integrated services is a key way to provide safety and healing for all survivors. This tip sheet from FORGE includes eight reasons to provide gender-inclusive shelter services.
- General Material
Medical Power & Control Wheel
Publisher(s):This graphic depicts some ways in which healthcare providers may inadvertently contribute to increase the isolation and decrease the safety of victims of domestic violence.
- General Material
The "Problem" Woman of Colour in the Workplace
Publisher(s): This graphic walks through common experiences faced by women of color in the workplace and organizational responses, such as denial of racism, retaliation, and targeting and attacking "problem" women of color.
- General Material
Identifying and Responding to Elder Abuse: A Benchcard for Judges
Publisher(s):National Center for State Courts (NCSC), Center for Elders and the Courts (CEC), Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA)
This benchcard outlines the problem of elder abuse and offers strategies the court can take to improve responses. It can be modified to reflect state statutes, court remediation and management tools, and local resources.
- General Material
- Training Tools
Identifying and Assisting LGBT Elder Abuse Clients: A Guide for Abuse Professionals
Publisher(s):This guide contains information for advocates on identifying and working with LGBT specific elder abuse. The guide covers terms, historical factors related to LGBT elders, new rights and protections for LGBT elders and suggested practices in working with LGBT older adults.