Domestic violence impacts survivors in many ways, including their economic stability. This TAQ focuses on how flexible financial assistance can be equitably distributed to survivors of intimate partner violence.
VAWnet News Blog
As we wrap up 2023, this is the season to reflect on the year's highlights, lessons learned, and themes that we want to carry forward. This issue of the PreventIPV newsletter shares highlights from our 2023 National Prevention Town Hall, features the IPV Prevention Council's new Strategic Plan for 2023-2026, and includes key resources for moving our work forward into the new year and beyond.
"Boarding schools lasted over 150 years. It’s going to take more than a couple of years of investigation,” Samuel Torres said. “It’s going to require generations. But this is where it has to start.'”
Sexual assault victims often tell a friend about their experiences before anyone else. But according to a new study, college students from minority groups are less confident that their peers would support them.
“What I want to say to the survivors out there is that what happened to you was not your fault, that this backlog was not your fault,” survivor Leah Griffin said. “You were not uncooperative. You were working in a system that was not designed for you.”
This issue of the PreventIPV newsletter highlights resources for Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Resources feature a particular focus on promoting healing in our communities, holding space, and centering survivors in our prevention efforts.