• Adult Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
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  • Violence Against Women Resource Library
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An Online Resource Library on Gender-Based Violence.

Hearing Advocates in Deaf Justice: Reflections on Deaf Allyship

Event Date
Tuesday, November 28, 2023, 02:00PM

Nearly 71% of the United States does not have "for Deaf, by Deaf" advocacy services available to Deaf survivors of domestic and sexual violence and communication and cultural barriers commonly exist in hearing domestic and sexual violence programs for Deaf survivors. As a result, many Deaf survivors have nowhere to turn for help. To close these gaps, hearing allies must join with Deaf communities to advocate for change.

This webinar features two hearing allies who are working closely with and in Deaf communities – Amber Hodson, Empowerment Director at DeafHope and Nancy Smith, Executive Director of Activating Change – in conversation with Liam Esposito, a Deaf Project Director at Activating Change. Speakers will explore their journeys toward allyship, including how they got started, the principles that guide their allyship, and practical suggestions other hearing advocates can take. Importantly, speakers will also discuss the importance of recognizing their own privilege and leveraging that privilege – which include access to information, funding, and connections to policymakers and funders – to support Deaf advocates and Deaf advocacy. 

Event Contact Information

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Activating Change
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