ResilienceCon is an international conference that offers opportunities to interact with colleagues who are interested in strengths-based approaches to understanding, preventing, and responding to violence and other adversities. ResilienceCon takes a multidimensional, ecological approach to overcoming trauma and emphasizes the role of social justice in individual and community wellbeing. ResilienceCon uses highly interactive formats and meets every April in Nashville, TN.
VAWnet Event Calendar
We recognize that working in this field can feel like we’re on the never-ending path to create change that we’ll never see. It’s work that can consist of equal parts hope, optimism, frustration, and exhaustion. Through this year’s theme “Forging Ahead: Our Map to a World Without Violence,” we hope to bring opportunities for the advocacy community to connect, share information, and engage in efforts needed to address and prevent intimate partner violence, family violence, sexual violence, dating violence, and/or stalking.
Across the nation, communities are coming together to play an active role in shaping the mental health services that impact their lives. By fostering partnerships and collaborative efforts, we can transform existing systems to better meet the needs of children, youth, and families. This holistic approach ensures that community voices are central, creating services that are more effective, equitable, and responsive.
Join NYSCADV on May 28 and 29, 2025, for our second annual Economic Empowerment Summit, where we explore economic justice as a tool for survivors to rebuild independence and financial security after abuse. The summit will focus on providing advocates with skills and tools to equip survivors with tools for economic independence, workforce development and the complex interplay between financial and mental well-being.
Save The Date! 30th San Diego International Summit on Violence, Abuse and Trauma Across the Lifespan: Working Together to Promote Well-being
The National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence is now the Futures Without Violence Conference on Health! It’s a new name, but our commitment remains the same: to bring together health professionals, advocates, researchers, survivors, and policymakers to highlight cutting edge research and practice, and systems change to address domestic and sexual violence, with a focus on violence prevention, promoting health equity, and building community resilience.