Housing & Homelessness Content Topic Results
The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Special Collection
Special Collection
May 2017
Housing and Domestic Violence
This collection offers a doorway to the resources available through Safe Housing Partnerships, a project of the federal Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium. The resources and tools included here are provided to advance your work at the critical intersection of domestic violence, sexual assault, homelessness, and housing.
Special Collection
March 2016
Building Credit and Assets: Helping Survivors Recover from Economic Abuse
This special collection explores credit, asset building, and Individual Development Accounts (IDAs), their intersections, and how they can be leveraged to better support economic justice for survivors of domestic violence.
Special Collection
March 2014
Open Doors: Domestic Violence Shelter Development
The NRCDV receives a large number of technical assistance requests related to domestic violence program development. Part 1 provides resources for building, sustaining and enhancing shelter programs to meet the diverse needs of domestic violence survivors.
Special Collection
July 2010
Housing and Sexual Violence
This collection includes resources to assist communities in developing more effective strategies to address the multi-layered and complex relationship between sexual violence and housing.
- General Material
November 2024
Advancing Equity: Strategies, Tactics, and Best Practices for Disaster-Impacted Communities
Publisher(s):This comprehensive toolkit is designed for advocates and organizers in communities that have experienced or are likely to experience climate change-induced disasters.
- General Material
October 2024
Policy Recommendations to Increase Safe Housing for Survivors: Learning from & Leveraging Public-Private Partnerships
Publisher(s):National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV), STTARS Indigenous Safe Housing Center, National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV)
On October 12-13, 2023 the Office of Family Violence Prevention Services hosted a roundtable discussion on safe housing solutions for survivors of domestic and sexual violence. This report shares key insights and recommendations that emerged from the roundtable.
- General Material
- NRCDV Publications
June 2024
NRCDV Disappointed in SCOTUS Ruling of Grants Pass v Johnson
The National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV) is disappointed and concerned by the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling today in Grants Pass v. Johnson. The Court’s decision to allow criminalization of homelessness will penalize victims of domestic violence for making the often life-saving decision to flee from a violent partner.
- General Material
- NRCDV Publications
- Training Tools
September 2023
National Prevention Town Hall 2023 – Session 4 | Congreso Nacional de Prevención – Sesión 4
Publisher(s): The National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, in collaboration with partners from across the Northeast region of the United States, held our fourth virtual Prevention Town Hall on September 13 and 14, 2023.
- General Material
May 2023
National Plan to End Gender-Based Violence: Strategies for Action
Publisher(s): In this first-ever U.S. National Plan to End Gender-Based Violence, the Federal Government advances an unprecedented and comprehensive approach to preventing and addressing sexual violence, intimate partner violence, stalking, and other forms of gender-based violence.
- General Material
- NRCDV Publications
May 2023
Learning from Lived Experiences: Policy Solutions from Culturally Specific Communities to Increase Survivor Access to and Retention of Safe Housing
Publisher(s): For over 50 years, survivors’ voices and realities have shaped responses to domestic and sexual violence. From emergency shelter to sheltering solutions beyond imminent threats of harm, housing has always been a critical part of conversations connected to survivor safety and well-being.
- General Material
- NRCDV Publications
March 2023
Process Evaluation of a Flexible Funding Pilot Program to Prevent Homelessness among BIPOC and LGBTQ+ Survivors
Publisher(s): This report summarizes the findings from an evaluation of the LGBT Center of Central Pennsylvania's pilot flexible financial assistance model. This includes the challenges encountered and lessons learned in the implementation process along with preliminary evidence of the success of the flexible financial assistance model.
- General Material
- NRCDV Publications
- Training Tools
February 2023
WEBINAR: The Lifespan Lens: Youth-Centered Approaches to Building Economic Security and Safety in Housing Programs
Publisher(s): In this webinar, NRCDV’s Safe Housing Capacity Building Center presents a panel discussion focused on ways to engage youth in program design. Recognizing that young people are the experts of their own lives, staff from Point Source and a member of their Youth Action Council highlight their youth engagement model.