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An Online Resource Library on Gender-Based Violence.

Domestic Violence And Housing: Key Policy And Program Challenges

General Material

The importance of collaborative, sustained and multidisciplinary efforts is emphasized. The initial section of the article covers a research review of the intersection of poverty, welfare, domestic violence and housing issues. The key policy and program recommendations described are: (1) Review, and modify where necessary, existing housing policy and programs; (2) Promote policies and programs that increase all women's access to safe, affordable and stable housing; and (3) More widely publicize information on housing assistance programs as well as services and protections available to domestic violence victims. This is an excellent framework/background piece for advocates as well as a guide for systems work. Note: Article is part of the June 2001 special issue of the Violence Against Women Journal: Violence Against Women in Public Housing.

Available from: Contact the NRCDV at 800-537-2238.