Section One: Fundamental Principles (Articles 1-13)
Section Two: Rights and Liberties (Articles 14-46)
- Chapter One [Rights] (Articles 14-36)
First: Civil and Political Rights (Articles 14-21)
Second' Economic, Social and Cultural Liberties (Articles 22-36)
- Chapter Two: Liberties (Articles 37-46)
Section Three: Federal Powers (Articles 47-108)
- Chapter One [The Legislative Power] (Article 48)
First: The Council of Representatives (Articles 49-64)
Second: The Federation Council (Article 65)
- Chapter Two [The Executive Power] (Article 66)
First: The President of the Republic (Articles 67-75)
Second: The Council of Ministers (Article 76-86)
- Chapter Three [The Judicial Power] (Articles 87-89)
First: Higher Juridical Council (Articles 90-91)
Second: Federal Supreme Court (Article 92-94)
Third: General Provisions (Articles 95-101)
- Chapter Four [Independent Commissions] (Articles 102-108)
Section Four: Powers of the Federal Government (Articles 109-115)
Section Five: Powers of the Regions (Articles 116-125)
- Chapter One [Regions] (Articles 116-121)
- Chapter Two [Governorates that are not incorporated in a region] (Articles 122-123)
- Chapter Three [The Capital] (Article 124)
- Chapter Four [The Local Administrations] (Article 125)
Section Six: Final and Transitional Provisions (Articles 126-144)
- Chapter One [Final Provisions] (Articles 126-131)
- Chapter Two [Transitional Provisions] (Articles 132-144)