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An Online Resource Library on Gender-Based Violence.

Lei Maria da Penha: do papel para a vida Ð Coment‡rios ˆ Lei 11.340/2006 e sua inclus‹o no ciclo orament‡rio

General Material

This handbook provides an overview of the Lei Maria da Penha (Lei 11.340/2006), the national domestic violence law signed in Brazil in 2006. The publication provides the full text as well as detailed commentary on the law. It includes information on the story of Maria da Penha Fernandes (the survivor after who the publication was named) and an overview of the women's movement in Brazil - a timeline is included that highlights information ranging from the 1970's efforts to bring visibility to the issue of violence against women, to the work on the elaboration and passage of the Lei Maria da Penha in recent years. This handbook also provides information on the federal, state and municipal budgets, helping activists and advocates get a broader understanding of the process, from the elaboration of the law to its full implementation. Recommendations on how to ensure that the legislation is fully implemented and funded are provided. (Information available in Portuguese only.)