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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Sex Trafficking is Not 'Sex Work'

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  • Response to Jennifer Block's article, Why the Faith Trade is Interested in the Sex Trade (Conscience: Summer/Autumn 2004)
  • Counters Block's critiques on trafficking, prostitution, and on feminists who have politically associated themselves with conservatives on this particular issue
  • Raymond argues that 'women in prostitution don't want Ôbetter working conditions' but a better life'
  • Takes position that, 'Prostitution is not Ôsex work;' it is violence against women. It exists because significant numbers of men are given social, moral and legal permission to buy women on demand. It exists because pimps and traffickers prey on women's poverty and inequality. It exists because it is a last ditch survival strategy, not a choice, for millions of the world's women.'