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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Other Tax Credits

January 16, 2025

In 1975, Congress authorized a federal tax credit program called the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). It was conceived as an incentive to "make work pay" by giving low-income workers a refund for a percentage of their earnings. Since its inception, the EITC has been heralded as one of the most successful anti-poverty strategies in the United States, and numerous other tax credit programs have followed. Today there are tax credit programs for low-income workers with children and other dependents and for individuals seeking higher education, as well as outreach efforts designed specifically for underserved populations.

This collection highlights key resources for the EITC, the Child Tax Credit, Health Coverage Tax Credits, and others. It includes general information and fact sheets, reports and research, information about how tax credits affect eligibility for other federal benefits, resources to access state specific statistics and contact information, and resources specific to four underserved populations (domestic violence survivors, Native Americans, workers who are immigrants, and workers with disabilities). It also provides information on free tax preparation services across the country and ways to avoid predatory lending and tax services. Please contact the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence with comments, questions, or suggestions for new additions to this collection.

This Special Collection draws heavily from the work of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, one of the nation's premier policy organizations working at the federal and state levels on fiscal policy and public programs that affect low- and moderate-income families and individuals.

Special thanks to Anna Melbin, Founder of Catalyst Consulting and Training, for originally developing this collection in partnership with the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV) in 2012, and to former NRCDV staff Shaina Goodman and Marium Durrani for their contributions. This collection is updated annually with new information and resources.