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An Online Resource Library on Gender-Based Violence.

The State Of The Nation's Housing 2008

General Material

The 2008 report includes a four-page executive summary and then more extensive chapters on Housing Markets, Demographic Trends, Homeownership, Rental Housing, and Housing Challenges. A number of appendix tables are included with multi year and age/race/ethnicity data breakdowns. Advocates may find the Housing Challenges section particularly helpful for its finding that there is a growing lack of affordability despite the fact that rents have fallen in many markets and many homeowners have lowered their housing costs by refinancing. The report describes the root structural problem of affordability in that there is a "mismatch between the large number of low-wage jobs that the economy is generating and the high costs of supplying housing.

The section also notes that the incidence of affordable burdens is disproportionately race and ethnically-based. Both owners and renters are under critical affordability pressures. This section of the report also provides a succinct description of the intersection of transportation and housing costs - how many households live at great distances from their jobs in order to cut housing costs, but then have transportation costs that significantly affect their ability to pay for other necessities. This section of the report also includes a brief summary of the role of government which advocates may find helpful for addressing survivors housing needs.