This document cover a legal case where a survivor of domestic violence in Oregon received a notice of eviction immediately following her informing her landlord that she had received a protection order against her husband. The survivor lived in Rural Development (USDA) housing. The landlord, C.B.M.attempted to evict Ms. Alvera under a lease provision that "someone in your control, or your pet, has seriously threatened immediately to inflict personal injury, or has inflicted substantial personal injury upon the landlord or other tenants." These actions by the landlord resulted in a determination of reasonable cause that Ms. Alvera had been discriminated against because of her sex in violation of the Fair Housing Act. The consent decree includes various provisions for monitoring the agreement, enjoining eviction actions based upon domestic violence, advising tenants of their rights, and providing for training on domestic violence.Advocates may find this information helpful for advocacy in individual cases and in work with housing authorities, landlords, and others.