This report provides information regarding the General Assembly of the United Nations' adoption of a resolution entitled "In-depth study on all forms of violence against women." The resolution requests the Secretary-General to conduct an in-depth study on all forms and manifestations of violence against women. This report offers background information on data collection, a summary of the discussion and objectives of the expert group meeting, and recommendations for collecting data on violence against women, improving population-based surveys and enhancing service-based data.
Excerpt: "The in-depth study will build on work that has been undertaken so far, synthesize and evaluate findings, and identify good practices and effective strategies, along with gaps and challenges. The study is intended to give a global picture of all forms of violence against women, the scale and prevalence of different forms of violence against women, its causes and consequences, as well as the costs of such violence. The study will identify gaps in knowledge and data collection, and give particular attention to good practice examples to highlight successful strategies to combat violence against women. Importantly, the study will include action-oriented recommendations that encompass effective remedies and prevention and rehabilitation measures. It will also aim to make recommendations for strengthening collaboration between producers and users of data and statistics on violence against women. The study will be submitted to the General Assembly at its sixtieth session in September 2005."