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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

What a Waste: The Case for an Integrated Violence Against Women Strategy

General Material

Introduction: "This document proposes that there are substantial benefits for Government, for victims/survivors and for the entire community, of an integrated strategy/approach to violence against women (VAW). & The argument is based on five fundamental premises: 1)There are connections across all forms of VAW which are currently ignored or missed, 2)The costs - to women and children, especially girls, and the public purse - of ineffective responses represent a waste of potential in both individuals lives and for the community as a whole, 3) Not only is the prevalence of violence and abuse serious - affecting at least half of all women over their lifetime - but it shows no sign of decreasing, 4) The demand for support and services will remain at the current level or increase over the next five to ten years, 5) Simply extending current forms of provision will have little, if any, impact on the prevalence; to decrease and prevent violence and abuse requires a more strategic approach."


  1. Introduction
  2. What is Violence Against Women and How Common Is It?
  3. Mapping the Connections
  4. Paying the Price
  5. Impacts of Violence Against Women and Girls
  6. Violence Against Women, Human Rights, Discrimination and Equality
  7. Current Approaches in the UK
  8. Beacons Lighting the Way
  9. Creating an Integrated Approach