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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Why the Faith Trade is Interested in the Sex Trade

General Material
Published Date
January, 2004

This article is about trafficking that examines varied interpretations of what 'trafficking' is and who its victims are. Interpretations include idea that low-wage unprotected labor paves the way to slavery and that exploited workers are victims of trafficking.

-Points out that 'trafficking, as defined by UNESCO, is defined by two elements: movement (e.g. across borders) and labor or sexual exploitation through force, fraud, or coercion (e.g. debt bondage)'.
States that the public's image of trafficking is usually sex trafficking and sexual slavery, however, Block argues that there's little evidence to back this up
-Questions credibility of claim that most trafficking victims are 'women and children,' without substantiated data and/or methodology to explain how these conclusions have been drawn.
-Critiques issue of trafficking being exploited by conservative politicians 'keen on limiting migration'.