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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Yad B'Yad: Working Hand in Hand to Create Healthy Relationships

General Material
Training Tools
Published Date
January, 2005

A five-session curriculum designed for grades 6-8 for use by communities from all streams of Judaism. The curriculum consists of five sessions, complete with text studies, interactive activities and discussion questions. Focusing on the tools needed to build healthy relationships and to prevent dating violence, the course explores issues related to self-esteem, gender roles, healthy friendships and dating relationships, as well as offering strategies for helping those who are involved in abusive relationships.

"A wonderful resource to help budding adolescents develop into real menschen. This creative curriculum guide frames safe and healthy relationships in authentic Jewish terms. A must for anyone wanting to nurture responsible Jewish adults." — Rabbi Mark Dratch, Rabbinical Council of America

"This curriculum is amazing - it goes much deeper than being a curriculum about dating - it is about friendship, respect, and self discovery. By using Judaism as its contextual framework, the curriculum provides a context for youth to simultaneously strengthen their spiritual centers. The variety of experiential modalities used will certainly appeal to its intended learners in a number of settings. — Rabbi Lauren Cohn, Principal of Judaic Studies, The Alfred and Adele Davis Academy, Atlanta, GA

"I am delighted to offer my enthusiastic recommendation of the curriculum, Yad B'Yad: Working Hand in Hand to Create Healthy Relationships. I am extremely impressed with the scope and vision of this curriculum for 6th to 8th grade youth, and am particularly pleased that it focuses a great deal on the Jewish aspect of relationships. This is an exciting new resource for Jewish educators." — Cynthia Wasko, Director of Education, CHAI - Colorado's Jewish Community Resource on Domestic Abuse

"When I do programming with youth, I always focus on the question, 'What is our responsibility as Jews in terms of how we live our lives?' This curriculum is unique in providing concrete, helpful guidelines rooted in Judaism not only for preventing dating violence, but also for how to live our lives and treat one another." — Debbie Korman, Outreach and Prevention Educator, SHALVA, Chicago, IL

"The exercises in this curriculum are well-designed and get to the core issues young adolescents deal with in their relationships, friendships and self-esteem. The session on When Relationships Go Wrong was particularly exemplary in its ability to deal with the topic of dating abuse in an age-appropriate, safe, yet impactful manner." — Dahlia Harris, Teen Outreach Specialist, JFSA Family Violence Services, Cleveland, OH 

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