Community Organizing / Mobilization / Engagement Content Topic Results
The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- General Material
January 2008
Prop 4 Victory Brief: Reproductive Justice at the Ballot Box
Publisher(s):This brief discusses Proposition 4 and Proposition 8 in California as catalysts for community organizing, education, and networking; discussing different strategies and ways that leadership and coalitions can be built in communities of color around reproductive justice.
- General Material
January 2008
Deconstructing Male Violence Against Women: The Men Stopping Violence Community-Accountability Model
Publisher(s):Men Stopping Violence (MSV), a metro Atlanta-based organization that works to end male violence against women, uses an ecological, community-based accountability model as the foundation of its analysis of the problem of male violence against women and of its work with individuals and in communities.
- General Material
January 2008
De Hombre A Hombre ¿Qué Podemos Hacer Ante La Violencia Doméstica?
Publisher(s):Este panfleto ofrece información a los hombres para examinar su comportamiento y prevenir la violencia contra su pareja.
- General Material
January 2008
Eliminating Female genital mutilation: An interagency statement
Publisher(s):This resource explains what FGM is and detail some of its consequences. It also calls on agencies and communities to develop, strengthen, and support specific and concrete actions directed towards ending female genital mutilation.
- General Material
January 2008
Be Strong: From the Inside Out
Publisher(s):This website provides training tools on empowerment to promote self-discovery, critical thinking, problem solving, and decision-making to develop protective factors that prevent violence and improve health.
- General Material
January 2008
Promoting Healthy Families in Your Community: 2008 Resource Packet
Publisher(s):The packet contains resources to promote community awareness of five important protective factors that can help families protect children from the risk of child abuse and neglect.
- General Material
October 2007
Community Outreach Strategies to Address Domestic Violence
Publisher(s): Innovative strategies have been crafted out of necessity and by vision and intentionality. The ideas listed in this document have been compiled from the brilliant and hard work done by Asian and Pacific Islander advocates and organizations across the country.
- General Material
- Training Tools
April 2007
Shifting the Paradigm: Primary Prevention of Sexual Violence
Publisher(s):The purpose of this toolkit is to provide facts, ideas, strategies, conversation starters, and resources to everyone on campus who cares about the prevention of sexual violence on campus. Whether you are a faculty or staff member or an administrator or student, there are resources included that are directly relevant to your role in the campus community.
- General Material
March 2007
Approaching old problems in new ways: community mobilisation as a primary prevention strategy to combat violence against women
Publisher(s):"The Uganda-based NGO Raising Voices has been exploring and experimenting with community-based primary prevention methodologies that seek to shift attitudes and behaviours that perpetuate violence against women. This article shares some of the lessons learned from this process in East Africa over the last six years. It begins by setting forth a rationale for engaging in primary prevention efforts at the community level. It argues that comprehensive community mobilisation is essential if we are to see meaningful, sustained change on the issue of violence against women.
- General Material
January 2007
En espera de instrucciones
Publisher(s):Este afiche muestra a un niño con una serie de instrucciones a seguir, incluida la de respetar a las mujeres. También incluye esto: Debemos educar a nuestros hijos, desde temprano y frecuentemente, acerca de lo que significa ser un verdadero hombre; que las mujeres merecen que se las honre y se las respete, y que la violencia nunca es fortaleza. En sus manos está un mundo más seguro. Ayúdelos a alcanzarlo.
- General Material
- Training Tools
January 2007
Preventing Child Sexual Abuse Within Youth Serving Organizations: Getting Started on Policies and Procedures
Publisher(s):Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
This guide identifies six key components of child sexual abuse prevention for organizations. It includes prevention goals and critical strategies for each component. Suggestions for addressing challenges and tools to help organizations get started are also provided.
- General Material
January 2007
Poised for Prevention: Advancing Promising Approaches to Primary Prevention of Intimate Partner Violence
Publisher(s):This document serves to build momentum for a national primary prevention strategy to prevent intimate partner violence.