Fiscal Management Content Topic Results
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Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- General Material
How to Talk About Finances so Non-Financial Folks Will Listen
Publisher(s): This article discusses ways for nonprofit organizations' finance staff to explain finances so that program staff will understand their value in achieving the mission of your organization.
- General Material
Preventing and Detecting Fraud in Not-For-Profit Organizations
Publisher(s):Fraud prevention is critical to not only your bottom line, but also to your reputation and that of other nonprofits. This guide presents a comprehensive approach to preventing fraud, as well as sample policies and guidance on what to do when fraud is discovered.
- General Material
- Training Tools
Do-It-Yourself: Nonprofit Budget Template
Publisher(s): A well-planned budget demonstrates a nonprofit’s ability to responsibly manage its financial resources—an important factor for donors, corporate investors, and grantmaking institutions. This template provides a pre-formatted spreadsheet that can be used to document projected income and expenses.
- General Material
The Assets Report 2012
Publisher(s):The goal of this report is to provide a comprehensive overview of the federal government's efforts to encourage asset accumulation. The full report offers a survey of current federal asset-building programs, specifically describes recently enacted relevant legislation and the President's 2013 budget proposals, and includes an analysis of current tax policies that promote asset building objectives.
- General Material
Everyday Advocacy Resources
Publisher(s):This section of the National Council of Nonprofits’ website includes advocacy toolkits, tip sheets, and more to support nonprofits in their efforts to engage in advocacy while remaining in compliance with federal, state, and local lobbying laws.
- General Material
Grant Management Essentials
Publisher(s): This article provides guidance on how nonprofit organizations can establish appropriate practices and systems for managing grants.
- General Material
Lobbying and Nonprofit Status
Publisher(s): This resource provides a brief overview of what kinds of activities are considered lobbying, and how nonprofit domestic violence agencies can be politically engaged without violating federal lobbying regulations.
- General Material
Financial Literacy for Nonprofit Boards
Publisher(s): This article links to resources on a wide array of topics designed to expand financial literacy of nonprofit organizations' boards.
- General Material
Adding It All Up: Nonprofit CFO Study
Publisher(s):This report from a survey of nonprofit finance professionals discusses findings in the areas of 1) CFO profiles, 2) staffing the finance function, 3) concerns, and 4) other miscellaneous issues.
- General Material
Nonprofit Audit Guide
Publisher(s): This guide from the National Council of Nonprofits provides charitable nonprofits with the tools they need to make informed decisions about independent audits.
- General Material
All right, we need to talk about nonprofit salaries
This article offers advice on how nonprofits can break bad habits when it comes to compensating staff.
- General Material
Internal Controls for Small Organizations
Segregation of duties is key to implementation of appropriate internal controls. This article outlines key accounting functions and options for segregation of duties, despite having limited staff and volunteers, that will make errors or fraud less likely.