• Adult Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
  • Runaway & Homeless Youth Toolkit
  • Prevent Intimate Partner Violence
  • Violence Against Women Resource Library
  • Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium
  • Domestic Violence Awareness Project
  • National Resource Center on Domestic Violence


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An Online Resource Library on Gender-Based Violence.

Intervention & Prevention Content Topic Results

The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
total results: 2188  | date published date added a-z

Special Collection

Special Collection
November 2016

Holiday Toolbox

Welcome to our Holiday Toolbox! NRCDV has released information to the field, including Technical Assistance (TA) Guidance documents, as part of our Domestic Violence and the Holidays Series in preparation for the time period beginning the week of Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day (“the holidays”). These were developed to 1) respond to the common misperception that domestic violence increases during the holidays, and 2) provide support during a time that may be stressful for survivors of domestic violence and the programs that serve them.
Special Collection
September 2016

Gender Based Violence and Intersecting Challenges Impacting Native American & Alaskan Village Communities

The content of this collection has been selected to highlight areas of intersections impeding the safety of Native American families. Each section contains extremely unique impacts regarding sovereignty, policy, historical trauma and cultural impacts of cultural oppression or colonization.
Special Collection
July 2016

Fostering Resilience, Respect & Healthy Growth in Childhood and Beyond

This Special Collection offers resources that promote strategies for creating environments where children can thrive with a particular focus on enhancing capacity for resilience across the lifespan.
Special Collection
March 2016

Building Credit and Assets: Helping Survivors Recover from Economic Abuse

This special collection explores credit, asset building, and Individual Development Accounts (IDAs), their intersections, and how they can be leveraged to better support economic justice for survivors of domestic violence.
Special Collection
January 2016

Intimate Partner Homicide Prevention

This Special Collection explores the most tragic consequence of domestic violence and offers a variety of tools and information towards its prevention.
Special Collection
December 2015

Employment and Domestic Violence

This collection includes key documents on DV as a barrier to work, DV in the workplace, employment discrimination, employment leave, job training, living wage, media messaging, minimum wage, and unemployment.
Special Collection
September 2014

Human Trafficking

This collection aims to illuminate different forms of, and perspectives on, human trafficking and to provide relevant resources to help guide more informed and critical advocacy, research, and thought.
Special Collection
June 2014

Traumatic Brain Injury and Domestic Violence: Understanding the Intersections

This collection offers tools to screen for traumatic brain injury within the context of domestic violence as well as presentations, articles, and other relevant resources on this topic.
Special Collection
April 2014

Violence in the Lives of the Deaf or Hard of Hearing

This Special Collection offers information regarding the experiences and needs of individuals who are Deaf or hard of hearing and have experienced abuse. The purpose of this collection is to: 1) increase victim advocates' knowledge and understanding of Deaf culture, 2) provide resources to assist helping professionals in direct service work with Deaf individuals, and 3) highlight best practices for addressing domestic and sexual violence in the Deaf community.
Special Collection
March 2014

Open Doors: Thinking Beyond Shelter (Or Alternative Ways to Help Survivors)

Many concerned community members want to help families experiencing domestic violence. Part 2 provides suggestions and ideas for building needed resources in your community for survivors of domestic violence, in lieu of opening a shelter or safe house.
Special Collection
March 2014

Open Doors: Domestic Violence Shelter Development

The NRCDV receives a large number of technical assistance requests related to domestic violence program development. Part 1 provides resources for building, sustaining and enhancing shelter programs to meet the diverse needs of domestic violence survivors.
Special Collection
February 2014

Domestic Violence in Latin@ Communities

This special collection provides a compilation of tools and resources developed specifically by Latin@s and for Latin@s as well as culturally adapted materials (not simply translations) to address domestic violence in Latin@ communities.