Policy & Systems Advocacy Content Topic Results
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Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- General Material
- Training Tools
October 2006
Practical Tips for Working with Transgender Survivors of Sexual Violence
Publisher(s):This article gives a very basic introduction to transgender sexual violence survivors, then lists 10 practical ways programs can provide more culturally-competent services.
- General Material
October 2006
Domestic Violence Serious Incident/Fatality Reviews in New York State
Publisher(s):This report examines the extent to which local level domestic violence serious incident and fatality reviews exist in New York State. Findings from this research provide a basis from which policy makers can explore new review initiatives.
- General Material
September 2006
Low-Income Children in the United States
Publisher(s):This annual report gives a statistical overview of numbers and percentages of children living in low-income and poor families. Highlighted demographics include age of children, race and ethnicity, and common misconceptions.
- General Material
- NRCDV Publications
September 2006
No Safe Place: Sexual Assault in the Lives of Homeless Women
Publisher(s):VAWnet: The National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women, National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV)
This paper consolidates knowledge about the damaging interplay between homelessness and sexual violence. It clarifies steps researchers, policy-makers, and service providers can take to intervene with victims and prevent future sexual assaults.
- General Material
September 2006
A Conceptual Model of Historical Trauma: Implications for Public Health Practice and Research
Publisher(s):This article offers an analysis of the theoretical framework of historical trauma theory and provides a general review of the literature. A conceptual model is introduced illustrating how historical trauma might play a role in disease prevalence and health disparities.
- General Material
September 2006
Enforcing Domestic Violence Firearm Prohibitions: A Report on Promising Practices
Publisher(s):This report highlights promising practices that represent innovative approaches to enforcing domestic violence firearm prohibitions.
- General Material
August 2006
Providing Counseling Online: Because We Can, Should We?
This article reviews common characteristics of many online counseling consumers, risks associated with online counseling, and ethical issues to consider when thinking about implementing online counseling practices.
- General Material
August 2006
Traumatic Brain Injury Screening: An Introduction
Publisher(s):Given its high prevalence, identification of TBI is critical in delivering appropriate services and supports to those who need them. This document provides an overview of the importance of screening for TBI among people accessing state and community services and supports. Information about available instruments used for screening for TBI, as well as tips for screening individuals with TBI are included.
- General Material
August 2006
Community Re-entry Recast as Primary Prevention
Publisher(s):Recent trends have made community re-entry the trigger point for society's most venomous and simplistic responses toward people with a history of sexually offending. Ironically, the re-entry process also has the potential to become one of the best forums for creating the conditions for a safer community and preventing the sexual abuse of children.
- General Material
August 2006
The Impact of Residency Restrictions on Sex Offenders and Correctional Management Practices: A Literature Review
Publisher(s):The residency of convicted sex offenders released from confinement continues to be an issue of public concern. This report examines local ordinances and state statutes across the country that restrict where a sex offender may legally live, and the constitutional implications of such restrictions. The report also discusses comprehensive risk assessment tools identified by the latest research.
- General Material
July 2006
Statement from a Transgender Woman Prisoner in California
Publisher(s):This document includes a testimonial submitted by a transgender woman serving a life sentence in California on her experiences of sexual assault in prison and the systems that fail to keep her safe. It also includes statistical information based on letters received by Stop Prison Rape, an organization dedicated to ending sexual assaults in the prison system.
- General Material
July 2006
Fact Sheet on State Anti-Trafficking Laws
Publisher(s):State anti-trafficking initiatives and laws. Includes summaries of all state laws addressing trafficking as of Sept. 2006 by: Criminalization Statutes, Statewide Interagency Task Forces on Human Trafficking, Bride Trafficking, and Sex Tourism. Alphabetical by state, lists sponsors.