Policy & Systems Advocacy Content Topic Results
The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- General Material
June 2000
Identity Change: Practical and Legal Considerations
Publisher(s):This document contains practice tips for advocates, prepared for use in Greater Boston Legal Services' Relocation Counseling Project. Includes information about name change and social security number change.
- General Material
- NRCDV Publications
May 2000
Making the Peace: An Approach to Preventing Relationship Violence Among Youth
Publisher(s):Describes a comprehensive school-based project that provided training and technical assistance to 2 communities implementing comprehensive dating/domestic violence prevention campaigns in their secondary schools.
- General Material
May 2000
Simplifying physicians' response to domestic violence
Publisher(s):This article proposes involving physicians in domestic violence intervention in four key areas (AVDR): asking all patients about abuse; validating the message that battering is wrong and confirming the patient's worth; documenting signs, symptoms, and disclosures; and referring victims to domestic violence specialists. According to the author, the AVDR approach would allow physicians to be proactive in responding to domestic violence.
- General Material
April 2000
Public Opinion and the Criminal Justice System: Building Support for Sex Offender Management Programs
Publisher(s):It will address three areas of interest: why the public's perspective is important; how leadership in different states has benefited from studies of public opinion about crime and criminal justice issues; and why it is essential that the criminal justice system view the public as a partner rather than an adversary or simply a group of consumers.
- General Material
March 2000
Children's Advocacy Centers in Indian Country
Publisher(s):The booklet discusses CAC's model in developing a proven response to child abuse by creating a multidisciplinary team approach that coordinates the key services involved in the investigation, prosecution, and treatment&of child abuse cases. It concludes by encouraging tribal communities in the developmental stages to consider the CAC's model as an appropriate response to child abuse.
- General Material
March 2000
Relationship Dynamics, Ethnicity and Condom Use Among Low-Income Women
Publisher(s): This study examines the importance of social and demographic characteristics, attitudes towards condom effectiveness against HIV, fertility intentions and power dynamics as predictors of condom use.
- NRCDV Publications
- General Material
February 2000
Building Bridges Between Domestic Violence Organizations and Child Protective Services
Publisher(s):This document is a resource for advocates seeking to strengthen efforts to help battered women with abused and neglected children.
- NRCDV Publications
- Training Tools
- General Material
February 2000
Introduction to Policy Advocacy and Analysis
Publisher(s):This curriculum is designed to enhance public policy skill and knowledge of domestic violence advocates. It provides both a theoretical approach to systemic advocacy and basic hands-on-tools to help advocates better prepare for their work with systems.
- NRCDV Publications
- Training Tools
- General Material
February 2000
Outreach to Underserved Communities
Publisher(s):This curriculum is designed to help domestic violence programs reach out to underserved communities in order to address the issues of diversity and of the limited access to quality services for battered women from those communities.
- General Material
February 2000
Promoting resilience: Helping young children and parents affected by substance abuse, domestic violence, and depression in the context of welfare reform
Publisher(s):This is Issue Brief #8 in a series based on a growing body of research that suggests that successful policies for families must take into account the needs of children when addressing the needs of parents and the needs of parents when addressing the needs of children.
- General Material
January 2000
Offender Risk Assessment
Publisher(s):While there are many different methods of risk assessment, they tend to fall into two broad categories: clinical and actuarial (Milner & Campbell, 1995; Grubin, 1999). Clinical prediction requires the observation of an offender by a psychiatrists or a psychologist; clinicians assess risk based on their professional training, theoretical knowledge and experience with offenders.
- General Material
January 2000
The Impact of Police-Perpetrated Domestic Violence
This article examines the dynamics of police-perpetrated domestic violence and how it impacts the victim, the department, and the community. It explores how a police officer's training and professional life contribute to his arsenal of techniques and tactics of abuse.