Policy & Systems Advocacy Content Topic Results
The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- General Material
July 2014
HIV/AIDS Risk Factors & Risk Reduction
Publisher(s):This two-page tool helps survivors and advocates understand HIV risk factors, and risk reduction methods.
July 2014
State Law Guide: Domestic and Sexual Violence Workplace Policies
Publisher(s):This document is an alphabetical listing of states and counties that have adopted DV workplace policies. States with model policies for private businesses are included. Live links to laws, executive orders, and bills are contained within the document.
- General Material
July 2014
Getting Started: Tips for Domestic Violence Service Providers
Publisher(s): Service providers can make small changes that can improve their response to the needs of survivors at risk for or diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. This resource helps domestic violence service providers integrate HIV discussions, screening, and support into their programs.
- General Material
June 2014
Representing Victims of Intimate Partner Violence Connected with the Military: A Handbook for Civil Attorneys
Publisher(s):Victims of intimate partner violence who are military service members, veterans, or partners of service members or veterans, often have specific legal issues related to the military. Attorneys who are unconnected to the military must understand those issues or run the risk not only of inadequate representation, but also of increasing danger to their clients. While resources on legal representation of service members and/or veterans exist, this handbook specifically addresses additional considerations for attorneys when representing military-related victims/survivors:
- General Material
- Training Tools
June 2014
Responding to Transgender Victims of Sexual Assault
Publisher(s):This guide provides practical information supported by the experiences of transgender survivors and some specific challenges that victim service providers may encounter.
- General Material
- Training Tools
May 2014
Justice for All: How Attorneys Can Successfully Win Custody Cases for Immigrant Survivors When There Is a Clash of Laws, Cultures, Custody and Parental Rights
Publisher(s):This resource provides an overview of family law options for immigrants and immigrant victims, with a particular focus on how to address and respond effectively when immigration status, language access and other issues intersect in family court cases involving immigrants.
- General Material
May 2014
Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV Prevention
Publisher(s):This two page fact sheet outlines the medications used for PrEP, the research supporting PrEP use, and the guidelines for usage.
- General Material
May 2014
How to Recognize and Act on Risk Factors for Domestic Violence Homicide
Publisher(s):This blog provides brief recommendations for emergency physicians on screening ED patients for intimate partner violence.
- General Material
May 2014
Human Trafficking & Native Peoples in Oregon: A Human Rights Report
Publisher(s):The report focuses specifically on Native populations within Oregon. Its focus is one of a human rights legal fact-finding report that sets out to measure whether federal, state, and local government officials are meeting their obligations under international, national and state law in prosecuting traffickers, protecting survivors, and preventing trafficking as it involves the Native population in Oregon.
- General Material
- Training Tools
May 2014
Betraying the Badge: Officer-Involved Domestic Violence
Publisher(s): This webinar highlights how batterers who wear a badge can misuse their professional training and authority as weapons against their victims. Officers who are victims of intimate partner violence may be reluctant to identify as victims and may face negative professional consequences for reporting, or failing to report, the abuse.
- Training Tools
- General Material
May 2014
A Roadmap to Risk Assessment: ODARA and Maine’s CCR
This webinar describes the process leading to the recommendation that Maine risk assessment practice be updated to include the Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment (ODARA) tool.
- General Material
April 2014
Thinking Outside the Box: Limiting the Collection of Rape Kit Evidence in Acquaintance Rape Trials
Publisher(s): This article explores the concept of limiting the collection of rape kit evidence in cases where the victim knows the person who raped them.