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An Online Resource Library on Gender-Based Violence.

Opinion: Stop Telling Women How to Not Get Raped-OUR VICTIM BLAMING TACTICS DO LITTLE TO PREVENT SEXUAL ASSAULT from Ebony News and Views, 1/14/12

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The article reports, “New rule for 2012: No more ad campaigns and public service announcements targeted at women to teach them how to avoid rape. It’s not effective, it’s offensive, and it’s also a lie. Telling women that they can behave in a certain way to avoid rape creates a false sense of security and it isn’t the most effective way to lower the horrible statistics which show that 1 in 5 women will become victims of a completed or attempted rape in their lifetime. The numbers for African American women are even higher at nearly 1 in 4. We need anti-rape campaigns that target young men and boys. Campaigns that teach them from a young age how to respect women, and ultimately themselves, and to never ever be rapists.”

Read the full article at: