“Three-quarters of Australians believe domestic violence is as much or more of a threat than terrorism, new polling shows.” “It is estimated that two Australian women are killed by domestic violence each week, with 31 women killed by a partner or relative in the first four months of the year.”
VAWnet News Blog
Domestic Violence a Bigger Threat Than Terrorism, Poll Shows, from Sydney Morning Herald, 07/06/2015
by Amanda Manes of the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence in partnership with the Tahirih Justice Center What is forced marriage?
In a historic development for gay rights and the institution of marriage, the Supreme Court has ruled that same-sex couples have the constitutional right to marry. Specifically, the 5-4 ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges declares that the 14th Amendment requires all states to perform same-sex marriages and recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states.
For days, a 14-year-old girl walked around a Fayetteville motel on Skibo Road wearing nothing but a tight shirt and shorts that barely covered her bottom. She didn’t have shoes or any personal belongings. She didn’t talk to anyone. But she hoped a hotel employee or patron – anyone – would speak to her. She walked around the hallways, up and down stairs and into common areas.
The Harrisburg Senators are used to signing autographs, but not usually like this. Senators and their coaches signed the Father’s Day pledge to end gender violence and gathered for a pre-game photo-op with the pledges, in the hopes it would spur fans to do the same.
D.C. providers were unable to meet 77 requests for services from domestic violence victims on a single day in September 2014, according to a newly released count.