A new tool takes an advantage of the internet for human trafficking—its sheer size—and turns it against criminals. It can be easy for digital criminals to hide in plain sight—posting escort ads for underaged individuals brazenly online—knowing that there are millions of these ads already with more created every day.
VAWnet News Blog
To generate new income, the North Korean government has engaged in state-sponsored trafficking of its citizens, sending them to work as forced laborers in other countries and confiscating all or most of their wages.
A judge has disqualified the entire York County District Attorney’s Office from prosecuting a contentious domestic violence case, and also ruled that Eliot police officers may be cross-examined by the defense, resurrecting allegations that a majority of them routinely falsified patrol reports.
Legislation defines gender-based killings and sets out tougher punishments for attackers.
In the past 30 years, there has been a significant shift in understanding the impact of trauma on individuals and families. We have come to understand responses to trauma, including mental health challenges, as normal and adaptive reactions to adverse life experiences through a trauma-informed model.
From Unilever to the University of Hong Kong, a wave of male executives join UNWomen’s new ‘HeForShe’ initiative Heads of state, CEOs and university presidents are all making public and concrete commitments to gender equality in the latest installment of UN Women’s ‘HeForShe’ initiative.