Gender-based violence organizations have a responsibility and an opportunity to support the survivors on their staff on their healing journey by creating survivor-centered workplaces that help staff stay employed and support their financial security and long-term safety. In the November TAQ, guest authors from FreeFrom outline actionable recommendations for how organizations can start building survivor-centered workplaces.
VAWnet News Blog
Transgender activists say it's been a heavy year, but they are leaning into community-safety building initiatives in the face of record violence.
The rally for murdered and missing indigenous women, girls and two-spirit people heard a painful litany of lost loved ones from witnesses from Alaska to the Amazon, and the legacy of their absence for families and communities.
NRCDV continues to strive towards living into the commitments made in our June 2020 statement against anti-Blackness, racial injustice, and oppression as well as our NRCDV STANDS statements.
The National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV), National AI/AN Women’s Resource Center (NIWRC) and the Alaska Native Women’s Resource Center (AKNWRC) convened a workgroup of gender-based violence and housing advocates from Indian country to reflect on the needs of AI/AN survivors. This TAQ outlines some of the needs identified in the workgroup.
The National Resource Center on Domestic Violence extends deep appreciation to the House of Representatives for their passage of H.R. 2119, the Family Violence Prevention and Services Improvement Act of 2021. The bill passed the House chamber with a 228 yay-220 nay vote.