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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Additional Resources


Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers
ATSA is an international organization focused specifically on the prevention of sexual abuse through effective management of sex offenders.

The American Probation and Parole Association
The American Probation and Parole Association is an international association composed of members from the United States, Canada and other countries actively involved with probation, parole and community-based corrections, in both adult and juvenile sectors. All levels of government including local, state/provincial, legislative, executive, judicial, and federal agencies are counted among its constituents. By taking the initiative, APPA has grown to become the voice for thousands of probation and parole practitioners including line staff, supervisors and administrators. Educators, volunteers and concerned citizens with an interest in criminal and juvenile justice are also among APPA's members. APPA will continue to effectively provide services to its constituents. The association represents a strong, unified voice for the field of community corrections.

California Coalition of Sexual Offending
The Coalition was founded in 1986 in response to California's growing need for a formally structured resource for professionals working with persons involved in the commission of rape, child sexual abuse, incest, and other forms of sexual assault. Coalition members represent law enforcement, criminal justice, mental health, probation, parole, and other community services dedicated to addressing complex issues related to sex crimes and sexual deviance.

Center for Sex Offender Management
The Center for Sex Offender Management's (CSOM) goal is to enhance public safety by preventing further victimization through improving the management of adult and juvenile sex offenders who are in the community.

Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) National/State Sex Offender Registry Website
The site allows you to find information about your state's sex offender registry requirements.

Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking (SMART) Office
The SMART Office was authorized in the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006, which was signed into law on July 27, 2006. The responsibilities of the SMART Office include providing jurisdictions with guidance regarding the implementation of the Adam Walsh Act, and providing technical assistance to the states, territories, Indian tribes, local governments, and to public and private organizations. The SMART Office also tracks important legislative and legal developments related to sex offenders and administers grant programs related to the registration, notification, tracking, and monitoring of sex offenders.

Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public Website
The Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public Website (NSOPW), coordinated by the U.S. Department of Justice, is a cooperative effort between Jurisdictions hosting public sex offender registries (“Jurisdictions”) and the federal government. These Jurisdictions include the 50 states, Puerto Rico, Guam, the District of Columbia, and participating tribes. This Website is a search tool allowing a user to submit a single national query to obtain information about sex offenders through a number of search options.

Civic Research Institute ($)
Civic Research Institute is an independent publisher of reference and practice materials for professionals in the social sciences and law. CRI's publications provide practical guidance, best practices and cutting-edge thinking, reporting, analysis and commentary, in all formats, including newsletters and journals, supplemented books and monographs, and loose-leaf services. Editors, authors and contributors are leading authorities and practitioners in their fields.

Washington State Institute for Public Policy
The public policy research agency for the Washington state legislature. The website has a number of research papers on sex offender policy.

This list contains titles and ordering information for professional books on sex offender management.

Cultural Diversity in Sexual Abuser Treatment: Issues and Approaches 
Alvin D. Lewis, ed. 
Safer Society Press, 1999 
232 pages 

Female Sexual Abusers: Three Views 
Patricia A. Davin, Julia C.R. Hislop, and Teresa Dunbar 
Safer Society Press, 1999 
393 pages 

Forensic Management of Sexual Offenders 
Robert Alan Prentky and Ann Wolbert Burgess 
Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, 2000 
340 pages 

Handbook for Sexual Abuser Assessment and Treatment 
Mark S. Carich and Steven E. Mussack, eds. 
Safer Society Press, 2001 
272 pages 

Identifying and Treating Sex Offenders: Current Approaches, Research, and Techniques 
Robert Geffner, Kristina Crumpton Franey, Tero Geffner Arnold, and Robert Falconer, eds. 
Routledge, 2004 
314 pages 
(Published simultaneously as vol. 12, no. 3 and 4 of the Journal of Child Sexual Abuse) 

Assessing Youth Who Have Sexually Abused: A Primer 
By David S. Prescott 
NEARI Press, 2006
98 pages 

The Juvenile Sex Offender (Second Edition) 
Howard E. Barbaree and William L. Marshall, eds. 
The Guilford Press, 2006 
396 pages 

Manual for Structured Group Treatment with Adolescent Sex Offenders (Revised Edition) 
Jaqueline Page and William D. Murphy 
Safer Society Press, 2007 
272 pages 

Phallometric Testing with Sexual Offenders: Theory, Research, and Practice 
William L. Marshall & Yolanda M. Fernandez 
Safer Society Press, 2003 
90 pages 

Helping Children with Sexual Behavior Problems: A Guidebook for Professionals and Caregivers 
By Toni Cavanagh Johnson 
44 pages 

Understanding Children's Sexual Behaviors: What's Natural and Healthy 
By Toni Cavanagh Johnson 

Practical Treatment Strategies for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities: Working with Forensic Clients with Severe and Sexual Behavior Problems 
Gerry D. Blasingame, ed. 
Safer Society Press, 2006 
176 pages 

Remaking Relapse Prevention with Sex Offenders: A Sourcebook 
D. Richard Laws, Stephen M. Hudson, and Tony ward, eds. 
Sage Publications, 2000 
576 pages 

Sexual Deviance, second edition: Theory, Assessment, and Treatment 
D. Richard Laws and William O'Donohue, eds. 
Guilford Press, 2008 
642 pages

Theories of Sexual Offending 
Tony Ward, Devon Polaschek, and Anthony Beech 
Wiley Series in Forensic Psychology, 2006 
373 pages

Building Motivation to Change in Sexual Offenders 
David Prescott, Editor and Contributor 
Safer Society Press, 2009 
243 pages

Current Perspectives: Working with Sexually Aggressive Youth and Youth with Sexual Behavior Problems 
Robert E. Longo and David S. Prescott, Eds. 
NEARI Press, 2006 
722 pages 

The Sex Offender 
Volume I: Corrections, Treatment and Legal Practice 
Volume II: New Insights, Treatment Innovations and Legal Developments 
Volume III: Theoretical Advances, Treating Special Populations and Legal Developments 
Volume IV: Current Treatment Modalities and Systems Issues 
Volume V: Issues in Assessment, Treatment and Supervision of Adult and Juvenile Offenders 
Volume VI: Offender Evaluation and Program Strategies 
Barbara K. Schwartz, ed. 
Civic Research Institute, 1995-2008 

Sex Offender Registration and Community Notification: A "Megan's Law" Sourcebook (Second Edition) 
Karen J. Terry and John S. Furlong 
Civil Research Institute, 2008 
1,912 pages  

Sexual Offender Treatment: Biopsychosocial Perspectives 
Eli Coleman and Michael Miner, eds. 
Routledge, 2000 
128 pages 

The Sexual Predator 
Volume I: Law, Policy, Evaluation and Treatment 
Volume II: Legal Issues, Clinical Issues, Special Populations 
Volume III: Law and Public Policy, Clinical Practice 
Anita Schlank and Fred Cohen, eds. 
Civic Research Institute, 1999 

Supervision of the Sex Offender, second edition 
Georgia Cumming and Robert McGrath 
Safer Society Press, 2004 
218 pages 

Treating Children with Sexually Abusive Behavior Problems: Guidelines for Child and Parent Intervention 
Jan Ellen Burton and Lucinda A. Rasmussen with Julie Bradshaw, Barbara J. Christopherson, and Steven C. Huke Routledge, 1998
298 pages 

Stages of Accomplishment 
Four workbooks and a clinician guide 
Phil Rich 

Understanding, Assessing, and Rehabilitating Juvenile Sexual Offenders 
Phil Rich Safer Society Press, 2003 
296 pages 

When Children Abuse: Group Treatment Strategies for Children with Impulse Control Problems 
Carolyn Cunningham and Kee MacFarlane 
Safer Society Press, 2001 
272 pages 

Working with Young People Who Sexually Abuse: New Pieces of the Jigsaw Puzzle 
Martin C. Calder, ed. 
Russell House Publishing, 1999 
320 pages 

Young Offenders: Sexual Abuse and Treatment 
Anders Nyman, Olof Risberg, and Börje Svensson 
Save the Children Sweden, 2001 
180 pages