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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Iraq Displacement 2007 Mid-Year Review

General Material

According to the International Office for Migration's (IOM) review, an average of 60,000 Iraqi people have been displaced per month in 2007. The report identifies sectarian violence and "lawlessness" as the major causes for the increase in internal displacement. The IOM review pays special attention to some of the challenges that women face in this environment, including lack of access to healthcare services, increased religious conservatism in camp settings, intimidation and greater vulnerability to abduction and sexual violence, and other problems. (3) IOM asserts that shelter, greater access to food through the Public Distribution System, availability and access to health care, employment opportunities, and adequate sanitation and potable water are of urgent need to Iraqi internally displaced persons (IDP). The review ends with a cautionary warning that if both short-term emergency needs of IDP groups and sustainable projects that help IDPs rebuild their lives are not met, Iraq's humanitarian situation will be exacerbated.