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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

A to Z Advocacy Model: Asians and Pacific Islanders Build an Inventory of Evidence-Informed Practices

General Material
Published Date
June, 2017

The A-Z Advocacy Model captures a do-everything-it-takes approach by undertaking an inventory of practices and analyzing their underlying principles in API-serving programs. 

Because the A-Z Advocacy Model is inspired and grown by community-based organizations, Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence urges them to use the concept to document their organization’s inventory of practices to demonstrate the critical issues facing immigrant and refugee API survivors and the extensive scope that they address. The A-Z Advocacy Model serves to expand and reframe what is regarded as evidence, thereby identifying how evidence-informed practices are integrated into program design. Most importantly, it is a tool to educate public and private funders about the breadth and complexity of program design; and therefore analyze, and potentially increase the levels of funding necessary to prevention and intervention in historically marginalized communities.