Criminal Justice Content Topic Results
The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Special Collection
Special Collection
January 2022
Identifying and Preventing Gender and Intersectional Bias in Law Enforcement Responses to Domestic and Sexual Violence
This special collection is a product of the COURAGE in Policing Project, jointly supported by the Human Rights Clinic at the University of Miami School of Law, Casa de Esperanza National Latin@ Network, and UN Women.
Special Collection
January 2016
Intimate Partner Homicide Prevention
This Special Collection explores the most tragic consequence of domestic violence and offers a variety of tools and information towards its prevention.
Special Collection
December 2015
Navigating the Civil Legal System: Resources for Survivors of Domestic Violence, Their Advocates, and Legal Professionals
Survivors of domestic violence can face a number of legal issues that either directly stem from, or are affected by, the actions of those who use abuse and violence. These issues can include obtaining protection orders against an abuser; filing for divorce; seeking custody of and/or visitation with minor children; and filing for child support. This Special Collection is specifically focused on those legal issues most commonly arising in family court.
Special Collection
November 2009
Resources Addressing the Perpetration of Sexual Violence
This collection provides resources that address the topics of sex offender risk, assessment, management, treatment, and supervision.
- General Material
- NRCDV Publications
September 2024
On VAWA’s 30th Anniversary, NRCDV Continues to Prioritize Survivor Safety and Choice
Publisher(s): This year marks the 30th anniversary since the passage of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) in 1994. VAWA is a landmark piece of legislation designed to address domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and other forms of gender-based violence.
- General Material
- NRCDV Publications
July 2024
Press Release: NRCDV Urges House Appropriators to Restore Funding that Protects Survivor Safety and Community Safety
Publisher(s): Federal resources are critical to reducing and eliminating violence. Both the House Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies (LHHS) Appropriations Subcommittee and the House Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Subcommittee proposed bills that will maintain some supports for survivors, such as FVPSA programs and rental assistance programs, but also eliminate critical elements that support survivor and community safety and justice.
- General Material
- NRCDV Publications
June 2024
NRCDV Disappointed in SCOTUS Ruling of Grants Pass v Johnson
The National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV) is disappointed and concerned by the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling today in Grants Pass v. Johnson. The Court’s decision to allow criminalization of homelessness will penalize victims of domestic violence for making the often life-saving decision to flee from a violent partner.
- General Material
- NRCDV Publications
- Training Tools
January 2024
WEBINAR: Stalking and Intimate Partner Violence
Publisher(s):Stalking is a prevalent, dangerous, and often misunderstood crime. This webinar explores the dynamics of stalking, focusing on the highly contextual nature of the crime by discussing common tactics used by perpetrators, stalking’s co-occurrence with domestic violence as well as tools to plan for victim safety and hold offenders accountable.
- General Material
May 2023
National Plan to End Gender-Based Violence: Strategies for Action
Publisher(s): In this first-ever U.S. National Plan to End Gender-Based Violence, the Federal Government advances an unprecedented and comprehensive approach to preventing and addressing sexual violence, intimate partner violence, stalking, and other forms of gender-based violence.
- General Material
- Training Tools
February 2023
Responding to Abuse in Later Life: The Role of Forensic Nurses
Publisher(s): This webinar was created for multidisciplinary professionals that serve older adults. Viewers will be able to explain the role of forensic nurses in the response to violence across the life span, and how to engage forensic nurses in an inter-agency coordinated response to abuse in later life.
- General Material
- Training Tools
November 2022
Response to Elder Abuse: A Self-Assessment Workbook Series
Publisher(s):The National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life has designed this set of self-assessment tools to assist communities in evaluating practices within and across key intervening agencies and in building a coordinated response to elder abuse. The tools include a series of workbooks for five key interveners—(1) domestic violence and sexual assault victim services, (2) adult protective services, (3) law enforcement, (4) prosecution, and (5) courts—and one that addresses coordinated community response.
- General Material
October 2022
Black Women & Girls, Gender-Based Violence, and Pathways to Criminalization & Incarceration
Publisher(s): Gender-based violence—including domestic violence—impacts an astonishing number of Black women and girls. And when Black women and girls experience gender-based violence, the strategies they take to survive are often criminalized. Ending the systemic punishment and incarceration of Black women and girls requires that we decriminalize survival. This factsheet spotlights the impact of gender-based violence on Black women and girls and the ensuing criminalization that occurs.