Health / Public Health Content Topic Results
The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- General Material
HIV Brochure: Living Healthier, Living Safer
Publisher(s): This brochure provides tips to women living with HIV and domestic violence for staying healthy and safe. It also outlines major signs of DV and provides guidance on how often to get tested for HIV. Available in English and Spanish.
- General Material
Medical Power & Control Wheel
Publisher(s):This graphic depicts some ways in which healthcare providers may inadvertently contribute to increase the isolation and decrease the safety of victims of domestic violence.
- General Material
What You Should Know About Violence and Harassment Against LGBT Individuals
Publisher(s):This factsheet contains information on violence and harassment against LGBT individuals. Topics covered include LGBT youth violence and harassment, likelihood of experiencing violence and harassment for transgender people, LGBT couples and intimate partner violence, health impacts, and intersectionality of race and LGBT identity.
- General Material
Know Your Rights: Eligibility for Unemployment Insurance Benefits
Publisher(s):This document provides Q&A explaining unemployment benefits, discussing eligibility in circumstances involving dv, and describing the application process for benefits.
- General Material
The Business Case for Domestic Violence Programs in Health Care Settings
Publisher(s):This resource includes a PowerPoint presentation targeted at health care decision-makers and administrators that makes the case for domestic violence intervention programs, references, and a Return on Investment Tool to help analyze the costs and potential benefits of implementing comprehensive DV programs within health settings.
- General Material
Reproductive Justice 101: A Select History
Publisher(s):This Reproductive Justice 101 interactive timeline - from 1654 onward - is a great tool for starting dialogues within organizations about the issue.
- General Material
- General Material
Helping Families Deal With the Stress of Relocation After a Disaster
Publisher(s):This handout provides information to help families deal with relocation stress after a disaster.
- General Material
Food, Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Information for Use Before and After a Disaster or Emergency
Publisher(s):This page contains information on why food and water might not be safe to consume during and after an emergency. Information on how to keep water and food safe after a disaster or emergency is also included.
- General Material
Family Violence Quality Assessment Tool for Primary Care Offices
Publisher(s):The tool may be used to assess family violence efforts in primary care practices at the beginning and intermittently (every 6 months, every year, every few years) when focusing on family violence as a quality improvement goal. It is meant to be a tool for identifying deficiencies and so that they can be remedied and the care to patients living with violence and abuse can be improved.
- General Material
Reproductive Justice In Action
Publisher(s): This report explores the ways in which organizations led by women of color are elaborating reproductive justice in connection with economic justice.
- General Material
Sisters Helping Sisters to Thrive: The Women’s Collective Model
Publisher(s): The purpose of this document is to contribute to the growing body of knowledge of effective models for addressing the comprehensive needs of women and girls of color living with or at risk for HIV/AIDS in the United States and beyond.
- General Material
Faith-Based & Community Organizations Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Checklist
This checklist provides guidance for religious organizations (churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, etc.), social service agencies that are faith-based, and community organizations in developing and improving influenza pandemic response/preparedness plans.