Healthy Relationships Content Topic Results
The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- General Material
RePlay: Finding Zoe 2.0
Publisher(s):This online video game for youth ages 8-14 opens a dialogue about abuse, addresses the 'rumour mill' they experience, educates about healthy, respectful relationships, and teaches players about places they can go for help.
- General Material
Model Workplace Policy On Employer Responses to Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking
Publisher(s):This model policy outlines guidelines for workplace responses to victims/survivors of violence and perpetrators of violence.
- Training Tools
- General Material
Interactive Guide to Safety Planning
Publisher(s):Safety plans look different for different types of abuse and different people. This interactive feature can help teens and young adults customize their very own safety plan to fit their specific situations.
- General Material
Help Your Child
Publisher(s):Parents are in a critical position to help their children develop healthy relationships and to provide life saving support if their children are in an abusive relationship. This handout offers helpful tips about what parents need to know and how they can be of help.
- Training Tools
- General Material
You Only Live Once
Publisher(s):This poster was developed from ideas generated by Latino youth from Enlace Comunitario in Albuquerque, NM. It was used as an awareness tool to end teen dating violence.
- General Material
Setting Boundaries
Publisher(s):Boundaries are an important part of any relationship. This fact sheet from Love is Respect offers guidance on setting emotional, physical, and digital boundaries with intimate partners.
- General Material
Coaching Boys into Men Brochure
Publisher(s):This brochure suggests strategies that men can use to teach the boys in their lives that there is no excuse for violence in any relationship.
- Training Tools
- General Material
Working with a Deaf Survivor: A Resource Guide
This manual provides guidance for domestic violence advocates in working with survivors who are Deaf or hard of hearing. It offers tips for effective communication and collaboration with disability rights advocates and organizations.
For additional resources, see the Vermont NetworkÍs page on Hearing Accommodations.
- General Material
When Push Comes to Shove...It's No Longer Love (Abbreviated Version)
Publisher(s):This is an abbreviated version of the video about teen dating violence in the Jewish community that is part of Jewish Women International's "When Push Comes to Shove...It's No Longer Love" program.
- General Material
- Training Tools
Working With Teen Survivors Of Dating Violence: What Every Advocate Should Know Before Working With Teen Survivors Of Dating Violence
Publisher(s):This short document defines dating violence and discusses some basic do’s and don’ts for working with teen survivors of dating violence.
- General Material
Brothers and Sisters
Publisher(s): This page explores tips for healthy relationships with siblings.
Talk with Your Child
Publisher(s):This article offers tips, strategies, and resources for talking with your child about dating, forming friendships, and treating one another with respect.