• Adult Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
  • Runaway & Homeless Youth Toolkit
  • Prevent Intimate Partner Violence
  • Violence Against Women Resource Library
  • Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium
  • Domestic Violence Awareness Project
  • National Resource Center on Domestic Violence


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An Online Resource Library on Gender-Based Violence.

Intervention & Prevention Content Topic Results

The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
total results: 2188  | date published date added a-z


  • General Material
August 2011

A Trauma-Informed Approach to Domestic Violence Advocacy

This document is part of the National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma, & Mental Health’s Creating Trauma-Informed Services Tipsheet Series. It explains the “five core components of a trauma-informed approach to domestic violence advocacy.”
  • General Material
August 2011

2009-2010 Assets and Opportunity Scorecard

This page provides an overview of state IDA policies and scores for each state based on four key elements.
  • General Material
August 2011

Tips for Making Connections with Survivors Experiencing Psychiatric Disabilities

This tip sheet gives practical recommendations for DV advocates working with survivors who are experiencing psychiatric disabilities.
  • General Material
July 2011

International Violence Against Women: U.S. Response and Policy Issues

Author(s): Publisher(s):
This report addresses causes, prevalence, and consequences of violence against women. It provides examples of completed and ongoing U.S. activities that address VAW directly or include anti-VAW components, and it outlines possible policy issues for the 112th Congress, including: the scope and effectiveness of U.S. programs in addressing international VAW; further integrating anti-VAW programs into U.S. assistance and foreign policymechanisms; U.S.
  • General Material
  • NRCDV Publications
July 2011

Emerging Responses to Children Exposed to Domestic Violence

Author(s): Publisher(s):
This document reviews the new research, policies, and programs focused on children who have witnessed adult domestic violence. It argues that the diversity of children’s experiences requires equally diverse responses from those who serve them.
  • General Material
July 2011

Collaboration Multiplier

Collaboration Multiplier is an interactive framework and tool for analyzing collaborative efforts across fields.
  • General Material
July 2011

Let's Stop Violence Before It Starts: Using primary prevention strategies to engage men, mobilize communities, and change the world (Workshop notes)

Author(s): Publisher(s):
This document represents the text of a one-day workshop presented by Dr Michael Flood. Hosted by the women’s organization Soroptimist International, the workshop took place in Mt Gambier, South Australia, on July 15th 2011. The workshop took up the second day of the two-day conference United Against Domestic Violence – Engaging All Men in Prevention.
  • General Material
  • NRCDV Publications
July 2011

How can I incorporate experiential or alternative activities into summer programming with domestic violence survivors?

Author(s): Publisher(s):
Although the sky is the limit when it comes to advocates’ creativity and resourcefulness, advocates seem eager to learn from each other and gain new ideas about innovative approaches to provide a more holistic, engaging and comprehensive set of services to victims and survivors. NRCDV's July 2011 TA Question of the Month provides ideas for incorporating experiential outdoor activities into programming for domestic violence survivors.
  • General Material
  • Training Tools
July 2011

Immigration Relief for Vulnerable Populations: Human Trafficking, Crime Victims, Domestic Violence and Child Abuse

This PowerPoint presentation offers an overview of the U-Visa, T-Visa, and VAWA self-petitioning process for survivors of violence who don't have legal immigration status.
  • Training Tools
  • General Material
June 2011

Working together to end Abuse in Later Life in Latino Communities

The abuse of older adults is a common problem in our society, but rarely discussed. This is particularly challenging because victims/survivors of elder abuse are often an invisible population across cultures, gender, immigration status, etc. In this webinar, presenters discuss the specific and unique needs of Latino victims of elder abuse as this group is especially underrepresented in research and practice. Best approaches for bridging this gap as well as examples of successful collaborations to address this problem are highlighted in this webinar.
  • General Material
June 2011

Fact Sheet: HIV/AIDS and Disability

This fact sheet discusses the risks of HIV for people with disabilities, and what agencies can do to respond—through institutional changes at the agency level and in advocating for national policy change.
  • General Material
June 2011

Thoughtful Documentation: Model Forms for Domestic Violence Programs

It is important that all programs think about and discuss what information they keep and why. This resource provides a set of sample forms that shelters can use to collect information about clients, and includes rationale for data elements included and excluded.